Dirk Kutscher

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Affordable HPC: Leveraging Small Clusters for Big Data and Graph Computing

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In our paper at PCDS-2024, we are exploring strategies for academic researchers to optimize computational resources within limited budgets, focusing on building small, efficient computing clusters. We analyzed the comparative costs of purchasing versus renting servers, guided by market research and economic theories on tiered pricing. The paper offers detailed insights into the selection and assembly of hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, and motherboards tailored to specific research needs. It introduces innovative methods to mitigate the performance issues caused by PCIe switch bandwidth limitations in order to enhance GPU task scheduling. Furthermore, a Graph Neural Network (GNN) framework is proposed to analyze and optimize parallelism in computing networks.

Growing Resource Demands for Large-Scale Machine Learning

Large machine learning (ML) models, such as language models (LLMs), are becoming increasingly powerful and gradually accessible to end users. However, the growth in the capabilities of these models has led to memory and inference computation demands exceeding those of personal computers and servers. To enable users, research teams, and others to utilize and experiment with these models, a distributed architecture is essential.

In recent years, scientific research has shifted from a ”wisdom paradigm” to a ”resource paradigm.” As the number of researchers and the depth of scientific exploration increase, a significant portion of research computing tasks has moved to servers. This shift has been facilitated by the development of computing frameworks and widespread use of computers, leading to an increased demand for computer procurement.

Despite the abundance of online tutorials for assembling personal computers, information on the establishment of large clusters is relatively scarce. Large Internet companies and multinational corporations usually employ professional architects and engineers or work closely with vendors to optimize their cluster performance. However, researchers often do not have access to these technical details and must rely on packaged solutions from service providers to build small clusters.

Towards Affordable HPC

In our paper "Affordable HPC: Leveraging Small Clusters for Big Data and Graph Computing", we aim to bridge this gap by providing opportunities for researchers with limited funds to build small clusters from scratch. We compiled the necessary technical details and guidelines to enable researchers to assemble clusters independently. In addition, we propose a method to mitigate the performance degradation caused by the bandwidth limitations of PCIe switches, which can help researchers prioritize GPU training tasks effectively.

The papers discusses:

  1. How to build cost-effective clusters: We provide a comprehensive guide for researchers with limited funds, helping them to independently build small clusters and contribute to the development of large models.
  2. Performance Optimization: We propose a method to address the performance degradation caused by PCIe switch bandwidth limitations. This method allows researchers to prioritize GPU training tasks effectively, thereby improving the overall cluster performance.
  3. GNN for Network and Neural network parallelism: We propose a GNN (Graph Neural Network) framework that combines neural networks with parallel network flows in distributed systems. Our aim is to integrate different types of data flows, communication patterns, and computational tasks, thereby providing a novel perspective for evaluating the performance of distributed systems.


Written by dkutscher

September 2nd, 2024 at 5:25 am

Next Steps for Content Syndication

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This is a follow-up on Mark Nottinhgam's blog post on What RSS Needs that I read with some interest.

RSS and Atom have been enabling non-mediated feeds for website updates that are very useful and once were quite popular until the Web took a different direction. Mark is discussing some areas that should be addressed for revitalizing such feeds, based on what we know today. He talked about Community, User Agency, Interoperability Tests, Best Practices for Feeds, Browser Integration, Authenticated Feeds, and Publisher Engagement. Check out his blog posting for details.

I would like to offer some additional thoughts:

Features that should be maintained from RSS/Atom

Receiver-driven operation

The user device ("client") should generally be in control and fetch updates based on its own schedule and requirements. This fits well with typical web interactions, i.e., HTTP GET. See below for additional ideas in section "Protocol Independence".


Aggregation, i.e., the combination of different input feed for forming a new feed as a feature in RSS and Atom. This should obviously be maintained. It may need some additional security (authentication) mechanisms – see below under "Data-oriented security".

User-controlled interaction with feed content

Mark mentioned some features such as feedback from feed readers to content providers, e.g., using so-called "privacy-preserving measurement". This should be made clearly optional, and the user should be offered opting-in, i.e., it should not be the default.

New Ideas

Learn from ActivityPub

In general, it would be good to study ActivityPub and see what features and design elements would be useful. ActivityPub is a decentralized social networking protocol based on the ActivityStreams JSON data format. It does a lot more than one would need for syndication (notably it is designed for bi-directional updates), but some properties are, in my opinion, useful for syndication, too.


In RSS, a feed is typically a single XML document that contains a channel with items for the individual updates. When a feed is updated, the entire document is regenerated, and the receiver then has to filter updates that had been received before. Atom had a feed paging concept that allowed clients to navigate through paginated feed entries, but each of those is still a standalone document.

To enable better sharing, re-use of feed updated in different context and more scalable distribution, feed updates could provide a more modular structure, in similar ways as ActivityPub does.

Protocol independence

RSS and Atom are technically not bound to HTTP, although that is of course the dominant way of using them. However, it is theoretically possible to disseminate feed updates through other means, e.g., e-mail, and I think this should be considered for a future syndication system as well.

More specifically, push-based operation should be enabled (beyond e-mail). For example, it should be possible to receive feed updates via broadcast/multicast channels.

Another example may be publish/subscribe-based updated. There is a W3C Recommendation called WebSub that specified a HTTP-based pub/sub framework for feed updates. I am suggesting to use this as an example, but not necessarily as the only way to do pub/sub and pushed updated.

Moreover, it should be possible to use the syndication framework in "local-first" environments, i.e., with non-public-facing servers.

Data-oriented security

Thes use cases have some security implications. It must be possible to authenticate feed updates independent of the communication channel.

Written by dkutscher

August 25th, 2024 at 3:24 pm

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Nordwest-IX Internet Exchange Point

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DE-CIX and EWE TEL opened the new Nordwest-IX Internet exchange point in Oldenburg, Germany on 2024-08-15.

DE-CIX, the largest Internet Exchange in Europe and the second-largest in the world, has eight locations in Germany now: Oldenburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Ruhr region. They have recently begun to decentralize their IXPs in Germany by opening new IXPs in addition to their main location in Frankfurt.

Can IXPs help with Internet Decentralization?

In the IRTF Research Group on the Decentralization of the Internet (DINRG), we are investigating root causes for and potential counter-measures against Internet Centralization. There are two aspects for centralization/decentralization and IXPs:

  1. Internet peering happens mostly at public IXPs, locally centralized exchange points in an otherwise logically decentralized network of Autonomous Systems. Big application service providers ("hyperscalers") are also engaging in so-called "Direct Peering" (or "Private Peering") where they connect their network directly to, typically, Internet Service Providers that provide Internet access and can benefit from a direct connection to dominant content/service providers. Often, it is the hyperscaler who benefits most in terms of cost saving. Decentralizing IXPs can provide incentives for such networks to connect at IXPs instead of doing direct peering, which is often seen as beneficial as it increases connectivity options and it reduces cost and latency.
  2. IP connectivity alone is not a sufficient condition for low latency and decentralization though, as most hyperscaler applications rely on some form of CDN overlay network. Even with potential local IP forwarding, CDN proxies may be hosted at central locations. To counter that, it is important to create co-location and local edge service hosting opportunities at or closed to IXPs, which can be a business opportunity for the connected ISPs, such we EWE TEL for Nordwest-IX.

The Internet is evolving, and new technologies might change the role of overlays in the future. For example, technologies such as Media-over-QUIC (MoQ) might lead to massive caching and replication overlay structures that will or will not be shared across applications and hyperscalers. IXPs and co-location data centers can be natural places for operating MoQ relays.

Written by dkutscher

August 15th, 2024 at 6:09 pm

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We have an exciting agenda for our upcoming IRTF DINRG meeting (Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 at 09:30 in Vancouver) at IETF-120. If you do not attend the IETF-120 meeting locally, please consider attending online.

1 DINRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, Updates Chairs 05 min
2 Exploring Decentralized Digital Identity Protocols Kaliya Young 20 min
3 DNS-Bound Client and Sender Identities Michael Richardson 20 min
4 Internet Fragmentation Sheetal Kumar 20 min
5 SOLID: Your Data, Your Choice Hadrian Zbarcea 20 min
6 Panel discussion: Internet Decentralization – Next Steps Chairs & Panelists 30 min
7 Wrap-up & Buffer Chairs 05 min

Documents and Links to Resources

Panel Description

Internet Decentralization – Next Steps

The previous DINRG meetings all had lively open mic discussions. However we noticed that those spontaneous conversations, while being interesting and insightful, tend to head to different issues in diverse directions. At this meeting we will continue/extend the previous discussions by gathering a small group of panelists and start the discussion with a list of questions collected from the previous meetings. We will have an open mic for all audience and share the list of discussion questions on DINRG list before the meeting; by gathering a panel and preparing a list of questions, we hope to make the discussions more effective and fruitful, moving towards our overarching goal of identifying an ordered list of issues that DINRG aims to address in coming years.


Written by dkutscher

July 23rd, 2024 at 12:31 pm

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Secure Web Objects: Building Blocks for Metaverse Interoperability and Decentralization

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In our upcoming paper at IEEE Metacom-2024, we propose a data-oriented approach for future Web and Metaverse system designs.


This position paper explores how to support the Web's evolution through an underlying data-centric approach that better matches the data-orientedness of modern and emerging applications. We revisit the original vision of the Web as a hypermedia system that supports document composability and application interoperability via name-based data access. We propose the use of secure web objects (SWO), a data-oriented communication approach that can reduce complexity, centrality, and inefficiency, particularly for collaborative and local-first applications, such as the Metaverse and other collaborative applications. SWO are named, signed, application-defined objects that are secured independently of their containers or communications channels, an approach that leverages the results from over a decade-long data-centric networking research. This approach does not require intermediation by aggregators of identity, storage, and other services that are common today. We present a brief design overview, illustrated through prototypes for two editors of shared hypermedia documents: one for 3D and one for LaTeX. We also discuss our findings and suggest a roadmap for future research.


Written by dkutscher

July 23rd, 2024 at 10:55 am

Networked Systems for Distributed Machine Learning at Scale

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On July 3rd, 2024, I gave a talk at the UCL/Huawei Joint Lab Workshop on "Building Better Protocols for Future Smart Networks" that took place on UCL's campus in London.

Talk Abstract

Large-scale distributed machine learning training networks are increasingly facing scaling problems with respect to FLOPS per deployed compute node. Communication bottlenecks can inhibit the effective utilization of expensive GPU resources. The root cause of these performance problems is not insufficient transmission speed or slow servers; it is the structure of the distributed computing and the communication characteristics it incurs. Large machine learning workloads typically provide relatively asymmetric, and sometimes centralized, communication structures, such as gradient aggregation and model update distribution. Even when training networks are less centralized, the amount of data that needs to be sent to aggregate several thousand input values through collective communication functions such as AllReduce can lead to Incast problems that overload network resources and servers. This talk discusses challenges and opportunities for developing in-network aggregation systems from a distributed computing and networked systems perspective.

Written by dkutscher

July 22nd, 2024 at 3:23 pm

ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on the Decentralization of the Internet

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Recent years have witnessed the consolidation and centralization of the Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. This centralization has economic aspects and factors as well as technical ones. The effects are often characterized as detrimental to the original goals of the Internet, such as permissionless innovation, as well as to society at large, due to the amount of (personal) data that is obtained and capitalized on by large platforms.

We are organizing a workshop at ACM CoNEXT-2024 to provide a forum for academic researchers to present and discuss on-going work on this topic and to create greater awareness in the larger community for this topic. The workshop would solicit work on specific topics including but not limited to:

  • investigation of the root causes of Internet centralization, and articulation of the impacts of the market economy, architecture and protocol designs, as well as government regulations;
  • measurement of the Internet centralization and the consequential societal impacts;
  • characterization and assessment of observed Internet centralization;
  • new research topics and technical solutions for decentralized system and application development;
  • decentralized (cloud-independent) distributed system design;
  • protocols and algorithms for decentralized distributed systems; and
  • decentralized security and trust architectures and protocols for real-world Internet systems.

Submission Instructions

Please see the workshop homepage for details.

Written by dkutscher

May 31st, 2024 at 2:11 pm

RFC 9556: Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Challenges and Functions

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Many Internet of Things (IoT) applications have requirements that cannot be satisfied by centralized cloud-based systems (i.e., cloud computing). These include time sensitivity, data volume, connectivity cost, operation in the face of intermittent services, privacy, and security. As a result, IoT is driving the Internet toward edge computing.

We have published RFC 9556, outlining the requirements of the emerging IoT edge and its challenges. It presents a general model and major components of the IoT edge to provide a common basis for future discussions in the Thing-to-Thing Research Group (T2TRG) and other IRTF and IETF groups.

Today, many IoT services leverage cloud computing platforms because they provide virtually unlimited storage and processing power. The reliance of IoT on back-end cloud computing provides additional advantages, such as scalability and efficiency. At the time of writing, IoT systems are fairly static with respect to integrating and supporting computation. It is not that there is no computation, but that systems are often limited to static configurations (edge gateways and cloud services).

However, IoT devices generate large amounts of data at the edges of the network. To meet IoT use case requirements, data is increasingly being stored, processed, analyzed, and acted upon close to the data sources. These requirements include time sensitivity, data volume, connectivity cost, and resiliency in the presence of intermittent connectivity, privacy, and security, which cannot be addressed by centralized cloud computing. A more flexible approach is necessary to address these needs effectively. This involves distributing computing (and storage) and seamlessly integrating it into the edge-cloud continuum. We refer to this integration of edge computing and IoT as "IoT edge computing". RFC 9556 describes the related background, use cases, challenges, system models, and functional components.

Written by dkutscher

May 7th, 2024 at 11:12 am

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The Information-Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) met at IETF-119 in Brisbane. Here is my quick summary of the meeting:


1 ICNRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, Updates Chairs
2 Secure Web Objects and Transactions Dirk Kutscher
3 Transaction Manifests Marc Mosko
4 Vanadium: Secure, Distributed Applications Marc Mosko
5 Global vs. Scoped Namespaces Marc Mosko

Meeting material:

ICNRG Status

ICNRG recently published four news RFCs – great achievement by all involved authors and the whole group!

See my blog posting for a more detailed description.

Secure Web Objects and Transactions

One focus of this meeting was transactions in ICN, i.e., interactions with the intention to achieve some durable state change at a remote peer – which imposes some challenges in a system that is designed around accessing named data.

In my presentation I talked about different ways to realize transactions in ICN:

  1. ICN as a network layer
    • Client-server communication between two nodes
    • Implement transaction semantics on top of an ICN messaging service
  2. Recording state changes in shared data structures
    • Shared namespace, potentially functioning as a transaction ledger
    • Still need to think about atomicity etc

For 1) transactions as messaging over ICN networks, the following considerations apply:

  • Client-server communication between two nodes
  • Implement transaction semantics on top of an ICN messaging service
  • Different approaches
    • A: Traditional layering: Using NDN-like systems as a messaging layer
    • Assign prefixes to client & servers
    • Send messages back and forth, and implement reliability and transactions semantics on top
    • B: ICN-native communication: Use Interest-Data as request-response abstraction for transactions
    • Mapping transaction communication and state evolution more directly to ICN, e.g., Interest-Data in NDN
    • Collapsing traditional network, transport, application layer functions

I mainly talked about variant 1B, ICN-native communication: Use InterestData as request-response abstraction for transactions and introduced the idea of "Secure Web Objects" (SWOs) for a data-oriened web as a motivation.

In such a system, not everything would be about accessing named data object – there is also a need for "client/server" state evolution, e.g., for online banking and similar use cases.

I introduced some ideas on RESTful ICN that we published in an earlier paper. The Restful ICN proposal leverages Reflexive Forwarding, for robust client-server communication and integrates elements of CCNx key exchange for security context setup and session resumption.

Summarizing, I wanted to initiate a discussion about how to realize transactions in information-centric systems? This discussion is not about mapping ICN to existing protocols, such as HTTP, but about actual distributed computing semantics, i.e., robust session setup and state evolution. Transactions with ICN-native communication are hard to provide with with basic Interest/Data. Reflexive Forwarding + CCNx Key Exchange + transaction semantics are an attempt to provide such a service in a mostly ICN-idiomatic way, with the downside that reflexive forwarding needs extensions to forwarders. This raises question on the minimal feature set of core ICN protocols, and to deal with extensions.

In the discussion, it was pointed out that lots of experience on distributed systems has shown that transactions or secure multi-interactions will generally require more than a single two-way exchange.

Others suggested that ICN and NDN has authentication carried out when the signed interest arrives which directly proves authentication, so that the authentication would in fact be done beforehand.

However, authentication may not be enough. For example, client authorization in client-server communication is a critical function which needs to be carefully designed in real-world networks. For example, forcing a server to do signature verification on initial request arrival has been shown in prior systems (e.g. TCP+TLS) to represent a serious computational DOS attack risk. Reflexive Forwarding in RICE tries to avoid exactly that problem, by enabling the server to iteratively authenticate and authorize clients before committing computing resources.

It was also said that whenever a protocol does authentication. you need to analyze in the context of specific examples to discuss, and that cannot only look at the problem at an abstract level.

Transaction Manifests

Marc Mosko presented another approach to transactions in ICN, called [Transaction Manifests](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/119/materials/slides-119-icnrg-transaction-manifests-00 "Transaction Manifests "Transaction Manifests"). He explained that ICN can be transactional.

Typically, ICN is considered as a publish/subscribe or pre-publishing of named-data approach. Outside ICN, distributed transactions do exist, especially in DLTs. For example, considering a permissioned DLT with size N and K << N bookkeepers. In a DLT, they base their decision on the block hash history. In this talk, Marc discussed what would be an equivalent function in ICN, and introduced the notion of transaction manifests.

In ICN, there is a technology called FLIC (File-like collections), i.e., manifests for static objects. FLIC describes a single object that is re-constructed by traversing the manifest in order. In Marc's proposal, a transaction manifest describes a set of names that must be considered together. The transaction manifest names likely point to FLIC root manifests.

In the example above, transaction manifest entries entries point directly to objects. For a complete systems, you would also need a set of bookkeepers, e.g., systems like Hyperledger offering global ordering vis bespoke orderer nodes. Such bookkeeper would have to ensure that a transaction has current pre-conditions, current post-conditions, and no conflicts in post-conditions. Transaction manifests are a form of write-ahead logs (WAL), as used in databases, such as PostgreSQL.

Marc went on discussing a few challenges, such as interactions with repositories and caches, as well as distributed transaction manifests.

There was some discussion on the required ordering properties for this approach, i.e., whether, in a multi-bookkeeper system, livelocks and deadlocks could occur – and whether these could resolved without requiring a total order.

Marc is continueing to work on this. One of the next steps would be to design client-to-bookkepper and bookkeeper-to-bookkeeper protocols.

Vanadium: Secure, Distributed Applications

Marc Mosko introduced the Vanadium system, a secure, distributed RPC system based on distributed naming and discovery. Vanadium uses symmetrical authentication and encryption and may use private name discovery with Identity-Based-Encryption (IBE).

Vanadium has two parts:

  1. Principals and Blessings and Caveats (Security)
    • Use a hierarchical name, e.g. alice:home:tv.
    • Certificate based
    • Blessings are scoped delegations from one principal to another for a namespace (e.g. alice grants Bob “watch” permissions to the TV)
    • Caveats are restrictions on delegations (e.g. Bob can only watch 6pm – 9pm).
    • 3rd party caveats must be discharged before authorization
    • E.g. revocations or auditing
  2. The RPC mount tables (Object Naming)
    • These describe how to locate RPC namespaces
    • They provide relative naming

Vanadium is interesting because parts of its design resemble some ICN concepts, especially the security part:

  • It uses prefix matching and encryption
  • Namespaces work like groups
  • The colon : separates the blesser from the blessed
  • Authorizations match extensions.
    • If Alice authorized “read” to alice:hometv to alice:houseguests, and if Bob has a blessing for alice:houseguests:bob, then Bob has “read” to alice:hometv.
  • A special terminator :$ only matches the exact prefix.
    • A blessing to alice:houseguest:$ only matches that exact prefix.

Marc then explain the object naming structure and the entity resolution in Vanadium.

More details can be found in Marc's presentation and on Vanadium's web page.

In summary, Vanadium is a permissioned RPC service. A Vanadium name encodes the endpoint plus name suffix. The endpoint does not need to resolve to a single mount table server, it could be any server that possesses an appropriate blessing. Authentication is done via pair-wise key exchange and blessing validations. It can be private if using IBE, otherwise server name leaks. Authorizations and Blessings and Caveats use hierarchical, prefixmatching names.

From an ICN perspective, the security approach seems interesting. Blessings and Caveats and discharges and namespaces as groups. One question is how this differs from SDSI co-signings. The Vanadium identity service provides an interesting mapping of OAuth2 app:email tokens to PKI and blessings. The RPC approach exhibits some differences to ICN, e.g., embedding the endpoint identifier in the name. ICN technologies in this context are public-key scoped names in CCNx and schematized trust anchors in NDN.

In the discusion, it was noted that it would be interesting to do an apples-to-apples comparison to the NDN trust schema approach; Vanadium's approach with the ability to create blessings and caveats on demand seems to be much more granular and dynamic.

Global vs. Scoped Namespaces

Marc Mosko discussed global vs. scoped namespaces. For example, how do you know that the key you are looking at is the key that you should be looking at? IPFS punts that to out-of-band mechanisms. CCNX on the other hand uses public key scoped names; you can put a public key, publisher ID in an interest and say you only wanyt this name if signed with the associated key.

It was suggested to re-visit some of the concepts in the RPC system of OSF distributed computing, where all namespaces were scoped, and name discovery starts out as local. You could then "attach" a local namespace to more global namespace via an explicit "graft" operation. The key here was that the authoritative pointers representing the namespace graph were from child to parent, as opposed to parent to child as it is with systems like DNS. Your local trust root identifier could become a name in a higher layer space, yielding a trust root higher in the hierarchy tha could be used instead of or in addition to your local trust root. Doing this can create progressively more global name spaces out of local ones.

Please check out the meeting video for the complete discussion at the meeting.

Written by dkutscher

April 7th, 2024 at 3:41 pm

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Information-Centric Networking RFCs

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In the Information-Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) we have recently published a set of new RFCs:

RFC 9510: Alternative Delta Time Encoding for Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) Using Compact Floating-Point Arithmetic

Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) utilizes delta time for a number of functions. When using CCNx in environments with constrained nodes or bandwidth-constrained networks, it is valuable to have a compressed representation of delta time. In order to do so, either accuracy or dynamic range has to be sacrificed. Since the current uses of delta time do not require both simultaneously, one can consider a logarithmic encoding. This document updates RFC 8609 ( to specify this alternative encoding.

RFC 9531: Path Steering in Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) and Named Data Networking (NDN)

Path steering is a mechanism to discover paths to the producers of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Content Objects and steer subsequent Interest messages along a previously discovered path. It has various uses, including the operation of state-of-the-art multi-path congestion control algorithms and for network measurement and management. This specification derives directly from the design published in https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3125719.3125721 (4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking) and, therefore, does not recapitulate the design motivations, implementation details, or evaluation of the scheme. However, some technical details are different, and where there are differences, the design documented here is to be considered definitive.

RFC 9508: Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Ping Protocol Specification

This document presents the design of an Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Ping protocol. It includes the operations of both the client and the forwarder.

Ascertaining data plane reachability to a destination and taking coarse performance measurements of Round-Trip Time (RTT) are fundamental facilities for network administration and troubleshooting. In IP, where routing and forwarding are based on IP addresses, ICMP Echo Request and ICMP Echo Reply packets are the protocol mechanisms used for this purpose, generally exercised through the familiar ping utility. In Information-Centric Networking (ICN), where routing and forwarding are based on name prefixes, the ability to ascertain the reachability of names is required.

In order to carry out meaningful experimentation and deployment of ICN protocols, new tools analogous to ping and traceroute used for TCP/IP are needed to manage and debug the operation of ICN architectures and protocols. This document describes the design of a management and debugging protocol analogous to the ping protocol of TCP/IP; this new management and debugging protocol will aid the experimental deployment of ICN protocols. As the community continues its experimentation with ICN architectures and protocols, the design of ICN Ping might change accordingly. ICN Ping is designed as a "first line of defense" tool to troubleshoot ICN architectures and protocols. As such, this document is classified as an Experimental RFC. Note that a measurement application is needed to make proper use of ICN Ping in order to compute various statistics, such as average, maximum, and minimum Round-Trip Time (RTT) values, variance in RTTs, and loss rates.

RFC 9507: Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Traceroute Protocol Specification

This document presents the design of an Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Traceroute protocol. This includes the operation of both the client and the forwarder.

In TCP/IP, routing and forwarding are based on IP addresses. To ascertain the route to an IP address and to measure the transit delays, the traceroute utility is commonly used. In Information-Centric Networking (ICN), routing and forwarding are based on name prefixes. To this end, the ability to ascertain the characteristics of at least one of the available routes to a name prefix is a fundamental requirement for instrumentation and network management. These characteristics include, among others, route properties such as which forwarders were transited and the delay incurred through forwarding.

In order to carry out meaningful experimentation and deployment of ICN protocols, new tools analogous to ping and traceroute used for TCP/IP are needed to manage and debug the operation of ICN architectures and protocols. This document describes the design of a management and debugging protocol analogous to the traceroute protocol of TCP/IP; this new management and debugging protocol will aid the experimental deployment of ICN protocols. As the community continues its experimentation with ICN architectures and protocols, the design of ICN Traceroute might change accordingly. ICN Traceroute is designed as a tool to troubleshoot ICN architectures and protocols.

Written by dkutscher

April 6th, 2024 at 11:26 am

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