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Archive for the ‘DINRG’ tag

Report: ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on the Decentralization of the Internet

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On Monday, December 9th, 2024, we held our Decentralization of the Internet (DIN) workshop at ACM CoNEXT-2024. It brought together network researchers, law and policy experts, and digital right activists to discuss the observed consolidation and centralization of the existing Internet applications, services, and the infrastructure in recent years. This trend has economic as well as technical implications for attributes commonly associated with the Internet, such as user-centricity and permissionless innovations.

The Decentralization of the Internet Research Group (DINRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) has been working on identifying the root causes and consequences of Internet centralization at IETF meetings and focused workshops in the past, which has led to significant insights, especially with regard to the centralization of infrastructure and control power. This recent DIN workshop at ACM CoNEXT-2024, organized by my DINRG co-chairs Lixia Zhang and myself, provided a forum for academic researchers to present and discuss on-going efforts on this topic, and to create a greater awareness of this important issue in the broader network research community. The workshop attracted a diverse set of researchers who are working on Internet decentralization in fields such as Internet technologies, economics and law-making. The workshop featured two keynotes, two technical paper presentation sessions, and an interactive panel discussion.


The keynotes were presented by two renowned experts:

Keynote: Cory Doctorow: DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!

Cory Doctorow, member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), gave a talk titled DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How computer scientists can halt enshittification to make a new, good internet and condemn today's enshitternet to the scrapheap of history. Cory’s talk vividly explained the historic development of a process that he called enshittification, a process in which the providers of online products and services changed their policies subtly and gradually over time, grabbing the control of user data for profitability. Doctorow also discussed potential remedies and countermeasures, including removing the barriers for users to exit platforms and reinstalling the end-to-end principle in future application developments.

Keynote: Michael Karanicolas: The Fediverse Papers: Constitutional, Governance, and Policy Questions for a New Paradigm of Networking

Michael Karanicolas, the executive director of the UCLA Institute for Technology, Law and Policy, talked about the Fediverse Papers: Constitutional, Governance, and Policy Questions for a New Paradigm of Networking. Michael provided an overview of the history of digital speech and content governance. He highlighted the challenges in supporting effective content moderation in today’s Internet contexts, including issues around monetization, legislation, privacy, and the need for governance mechanisms to meet users, content owners, and governments’ expectations. He emphasized the importance of intentionality and a structured process to identify the essential policy questions and to evaluate various design choices for the future of decentralized platforms.

Decentralized Systems

Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Media

Authors: Martin Kleppmann, Paul Frazee, Jake Gold, Jay Graber, Daniel Holmgren, Devin Ivy, Jeromy Johnson, Bryan Newbold, Jaz Volpert

Abstract: Bluesky is a new social network built upon the AT Protocol, a decentralized foundation for public social media. It was launched in private beta in February 2023, and has grown to over 10 million registered users by October 2024. In this paper we introduce the architecture of Bluesky and the AT Protocol, and explain how the technical design of Bluesky is informed by our goals: to enable decentralization by having multiple interoperable providers for every part of the system; to make it easy for users to switch providers; to give users agency over the content they see; and to provide a simple user experience that does not burden users with complexity arising from the system’s decentralized nature. The system’s openness allows anybody to contribute to content moderation and community management, and we invite the research community to use Bluesky as a dataset and testing ground for new approaches in social media moderation.

ReP2P Matrix: Decentralized Relays to Improve Reliability and Performance of Peer-to-Peer Matrix

Authors: Benjamin Schichtholz, Roland Bless, Florian Jacob, Hannes Hartenstein, Martina Zitterbart

Abstract: Matrix is a decentralized middleware for low-latency group communication, most renowned for its use in the Element instant messenger. Proposals for peer-to-peer (P2P) Matrix architectures aim to decentralize the current architecture further, which is based on federated servers. These proposals require that the receiver and the originator, or another peer that already successfully received the message, are simultaneously online. We introduce relay-enhanced P2P Matrix (ReP2P Matrix) in order to improve message delivery between peers that are online at different times. The design maintains the advantages of P2P Matrix and integrates well into it, e.g., it reuses existing mechanisms for authentication and authorization. Using an extended real-world group messaging traffic dataset, we evaluate P2P Matrix by comparing it to P2P Matrix without relays. The results show that relays do not only improve reliability in message delivery, but also increase the share of low delivery latencies by 50% points in groups with up to 30 members.

On Empowering End Users in Future Networking

Authors: Tianyuan Yu, Xinyu Ma, Lixia Zhang

Abstract: In today's Internet, end users communicate largely via cloud-based apps, and user data are stored in cloud servers and controlled by cloud providers. Recent years have witnessed multiple efforts in developing decentralized social apps with various design approaches, although the community at large is yet to fully understand the effectiveness, viability, and limitations of these different designs. In this paper, we make a proposition that a necessary condition of moving towards Internet decentralization is enabling direct user-to-user (U2U) communications, and discuss the design choices in several decentralization efforts and identify their limitations. We then articulate why a DNS-derived namespace is the best choice in U2U app developments in general, and use a recently developed decentralized app, NDN Workspace (NWS), as an example to show how NWS' use of DNS-derived namespace enables secure U2U communications.

Technologies for Decentralization

Atomicity and Abstraction for Multi-Blockchain Interactions

Authors: Huaixi Lu, Akshay Jajoo, Kedar S. Namjoshi

Abstract: A blockchain enables secure, atomic transactions among untrusted parties. Atomicity is not guaranteed, however, for transactions whose operations span several blockchains; multi-chain atomicity must be enforced by a protocol. Such protocols are known only for special cases, such as cryptocurrency swaps, which are limited only to two chains. We propose a novel two-phase protocol that facilitates atomic executions of general multi-chain (>= 2) transactions. We formally analyze the protocol correctness and show that the proposed abstraction considerably simplifies the development of multi-chain applications. Our experiments with a prototype implementation show that the performance of the general atomicity protocol is comparable to that of custom-built implementations.

Communication Cost for Permissionless Distributed Consensus at Internet Scale

Authors: David Guzman, Dirk Trossen, Jörg Ott

Abstract: The diffusion of information that evolves a distributed computing state is a fundamental operation of a permissionless distributed consensus system (DCS). This permissionless participation decentralized the consensus over the distributed computing state, e.g., in cryptocurrencies and voting systems. For this, a permissionless DCS implements protocols to establish relationships among peers, which is then used to diffuse information. The relation establishment constitutes the control plane of the DCS, while the state diffusion is the data plane. The prevalent mechanism to realize both is a randomized peer-centric iterative diffusion. In this paper, we contrast this approach against a multicast-based design, focusing our comparison on the costs (bytes transmitted) for maintaining the relations, the control plane. We develop suitable models to account for those costs, parameterized through Internet-scale experimental insights we derived from existing DCS deployments. Our results show that the communication costs can be reduced by 30 times.

Towards a Decentralized Internet Namespace

Authors: Yekta Kocaogullar, Eric Osterweil, Lixia Zhang

Abstract: The Domain Name System (DNS) has been providing a decentralized global namespace to support all Internet applications and usages over the last few decades. In the recent years, a number of blockchain-based name systems have emerged with the claim of providing better namespace decentralization than DNS. The community at large seems uncertain with regard to which of these systems is the best in providing decentralized Internet namespace control. In this paper, we first deconstruct the design of DNS, identify its three essential components and explain who controls each of them. We then examine the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) as a representative example of blockchain-based naming systems, gauge the degree of its decentralization. Finally, we conduct a comparative analysis between DNS and ENS to assess the validity and affordability of each design and the (de)centralization in their namespace control and name system operations.

Panel Discussion: Decentralization of the Internet – Quo Vadis?

An interactive panel discussion with (from left to right) Michael Karanicolas (UCLA), Paul Mockapetris (ThreatSTOP), Dan Massey (USC ISI, NSF), and Cory Doctorow (EFF), articulated various next steps for countering Internet centralization. Among many things discussed, the panel and audience identified the notion of enabling direct user-to-user communication without reliance on third parties, and the required functionality to support that, such as how to provide user owned identities, tools for user mutual authentications and secure communications.

These and additional related topics will be further discussed at the IRTF DIN research group, which is a forum with open participation to serve the purpose of continuous international collaborative research on Internet decentralization.


Written by dkutscher

December 18th, 2024 at 8:34 pm

ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on the Decentralization of the Internet

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Our ACM CoNEXT-2024 workshop on the decentralization of the Internet on Monday, December 9th 2024 in LA has an exciting agenda – don't miss it! Check out the workshop homepage for up-to-date information.

09:00 Session 1: Keynotes

  1. Keynote by Cory Doctorow: DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How computer scientists can halt enshittification to make a new, good internet and condemn today's enshitternet to the scrapheap of history.
  2. Keynote by Michael Karanicolas: The Fediverse Papers: Constitutional, Governance, and Policy Questions for a New Paradigm of Networking

11:00 Session 2: Decentralized Systems

  1. Martin Kleppmann, et al.; Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Media
  2. Benjamin Schichtholz et al.; ReP2P Matrix: Decentralized Relays to Improve Reliability and Performance of Peer-to-Peer Matrix
  3. Tianyuan Yu et al.; On Empowering End Users in Future Networking

14:00 Session 3: Technologies for Decentralization

  1. Huaixi Lu et al.; Atomicity and Abstraction for Multi-Blockchain Interactions
  2. David Guzman et. el; Communication Cost for Permissionless Distributed Consensus at Internet Scale
  3. Yekta Kocaogullar et al.; Towards a Decentralized Internet Namespace

15:00 Session 4: Decentralization of the Internet – Quo Vadis?

  • Organizers: Lixia Zhang & Dirk Kutscher
  • Interactive panel discussion with Cory Doctorow, Michael Karanicola, and paper authors

Written by dkutscher

October 30th, 2024 at 7:25 am

IRTF DINRG Meeting at IETF-121

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The IRTF DINRG Meeting at IETF-121 takes place on 2024-11-06 at 13:00 to 14:30 UTC.

1 DINRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, Updates Chairs 05 min
2 Distributing DDoS Analytics among ASes Daniel Wagner 20 min
3 The Role of DNS names in Internet Decentralization Tianyuan Yu 20 min
4 Taxonomy of Internet Consolidation & Effects of Internet Consolidation Marc McFadden 15 min
5 DINRG – Next Steps Chairs & Panelists 30 min
6 Wrap-up & Buffer Chairs 00 min

Documents and Links to Resources

  1. United We Stand: Collaborative Detection and Mitigation of
    Amplification DDoS Attacks at
  2. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mcfadden-consolidation-taxonomy/
  3. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mcfadden-cnsldtn-effects/


Please remember that all sessions are being recorded.

Written by dkutscher

October 30th, 2024 at 7:16 am

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We have an exciting agenda for our upcoming IRTF DINRG meeting (Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 at 09:30 in Vancouver) at IETF-120. If you do not attend the IETF-120 meeting locally, please consider attending online.

1 DINRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, Updates Chairs 05 min
2 Exploring Decentralized Digital Identity Protocols Kaliya Young 20 min
3 DNS-Bound Client and Sender Identities Michael Richardson 20 min
4 Internet Fragmentation Sheetal Kumar 20 min
5 SOLID: Your Data, Your Choice Hadrian Zbarcea 20 min
6 Panel discussion: Internet Decentralization – Next Steps Chairs & Panelists 30 min
7 Wrap-up & Buffer Chairs 05 min

Documents and Links to Resources

Panel Description

Internet Decentralization – Next Steps

The previous DINRG meetings all had lively open mic discussions. However we noticed that those spontaneous conversations, while being interesting and insightful, tend to head to different issues in diverse directions. At this meeting we will continue/extend the previous discussions by gathering a small group of panelists and start the discussion with a list of questions collected from the previous meetings. We will have an open mic for all audience and share the list of discussion questions on DINRG list before the meeting; by gathering a panel and preparing a list of questions, we hope to make the discussions more effective and fruitful, moving towards our overarching goal of identifying an ordered list of issues that DINRG aims to address in coming years.


Written by dkutscher

July 23rd, 2024 at 12:31 pm

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ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on the Decentralization of the Internet

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Recent years have witnessed the consolidation and centralization of the Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. This centralization has economic aspects and factors as well as technical ones. The effects are often characterized as detrimental to the original goals of the Internet, such as permissionless innovation, as well as to society at large, due to the amount of (personal) data that is obtained and capitalized on by large platforms.

We are organizing a workshop at ACM CoNEXT-2024 to provide a forum for academic researchers to present and discuss on-going work on this topic and to create greater awareness in the larger community for this topic. The workshop would solicit work on specific topics including but not limited to:

  • investigation of the root causes of Internet centralization, and articulation of the impacts of the market economy, architecture and protocol designs, as well as government regulations;
  • measurement of the Internet centralization and the consequential societal impacts;
  • characterization and assessment of observed Internet centralization;
  • new research topics and technical solutions for decentralized system and application development;
  • decentralized (cloud-independent) distributed system design;
  • protocols and algorithms for decentralized distributed systems; and
  • decentralized security and trust architectures and protocols for real-world Internet systems.

Submission Instructions

Please see the workshop homepage for details.

Written by dkutscher

May 31st, 2024 at 2:11 pm


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We have posted the agenda for our DINRG meeting at IETF-118:



DINRG Meeting at IETF-118 – 2023-11-06, 08:30 to 10:30 UTC

Written by dkutscher

November 1st, 2023 at 9:21 am

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Platforms, Economics, Minimal Global Broadcast

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Decentralization of the Internet Research Group at IETF-117

The Decentralization of the Internet Research Group (DINRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) had a meeting on 2023-07-27 at the 117th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). DINRG aims to provide for the research and engineering community, both an open forum to discuss the Internet centralization phenomena and associated potential threats, and a platform to facilitate the coordination of efforts in identifying the causes of observed consolidations and the mitigation solutions.

For context, we recently published a workshop report that discusses some fundamental problems: ACM SIGCOMM CCR: Report of 2021 DINRG Workshop on Centralization in the Internet

The DINRG meeting at IETF-117 meeting featured three highly interesting talks by Cory Doctorow, Volker Stocker & William Lehr, and Christian Tschudin that created quite some attention and led to lively discussions during and after the meeting. There is a full meeting recording on youTube, and we have published meeting minutes. Special thanks to Ryo Yanagida, A.J. Stein, and Eve Schooler for taking notes at the meeting.

Cory Doctorow: Let The Platforms Burn: Bringing Back the Good Fire of the Old Internet

Cory Doctorow, a science fiction author, activist and journalist, talked about a trend in platform evolution that he calls enshittification, where platforms go through different phases after growing user bases quickly as per platform economics and market domination strategies and of locking in users through technical and economic barriers. In advertisement (and digital online market) platforms, the platform operator sits between the users and other companies (so-called "two-sided market" scenarios), where the user base, the obtained personal information and behavioral surveillance results become assets to attracts such companies.

For example, in order to make avertising more effective, social media platforms would increase control of users's timelines, i.e., content that is presented to them, and make it harder for users to leave the platform. Overall this results in negative user experience. For increasing advertisment revenue, platforms would then sell attention more directly, i.e., exploit their position in the advertisement market. See Cory's posting on enshittification for details.

This process and the difficulties in effectively controlling and regulating platform companies, has led to a permanent crisis that Cory compares to a fire hazard situation. Platforms were rocked by scandals private data theft, accidental leaks and intended data sharing with other insitutions etc.

While the computer and networking world has seen a constant emerging and vanishing of "platforms" (operating systems, PC companies, online services) before, the current concentrated tech market makes is impossible to let harmful (or not very user-friendly) dissolve. This is due to network effects (Metcalfe's law) and switching costs, for example when trying to leave a dominant social media platforms and thereby losing connections to friends. This monopoly situation is enabled by a legal environment with ineffective antitrust laws, which has allowed for dominating platform to constantly acquire competing companies and potentially disruptive businesses.

With new laws for content moderation and censorship, platform get even more control over their users (in the name of preventing harrassment), without making in any easier to leave platforms. In his article (and podcast epsidode) called "Let the Platforms Burn", Cory concluded

Platforms collapse "slowly, then all at once." The only way to prevent sudden platform collapse syndrome is to block interoperability so users can't escape the harms of your walled garden without giving up the benefits they give to each other.

We should stop trying to make the platforms good. We should make them gone. We should restore the "good fire" that ended with the growth of financialized Big Tech empires. We should aim for soft landings for users, and stop pretending that there's any safe way to life in the fire zone.

We should let the platforms burn.

WIth respect to the (de-)centralization discussion in DINRG and the Internet community, this raises some important question as to

  • what is the role of open interfaces, standards etc today in reality? Are we still using them to build interoperable, possibly federated systems?
  • how should technology development, standards setting and regulation evolve to effectively enable user choice (migration, platform selection)?


There was a question whether the real issue was that platforms are making a remarkable griphold, buying each other, but they are buying the users, i.e., whether the primary concern is the size of these platforms with this method or the method itself only? Cory replied in saying that size certainly promotes distortions. Scale was problem for two reasons. The contract enforcement function dominates. When the referee is less powerful than the team, it allows teams to cheat.
Secondly, even if we stipulated that companies are well run by smart people, they all make errors, and at that scale the mistakes are much more consequential.

Another question was who is willing to implement the interoperability standards and how companies can be convinved to do that. Cory talked about companies' motivation, i.e., companies wanted walled gardens, or to have APIs with advantages (vs disadvantages) to them. What they really seeked (over competitive interoperability) was to have legal remedies for those who reverse engineer to competitively enter the market. When there was a mandate and permission for inter-operators, if restoring that power was possible, that would help to avoid unquantifiable risk.

Some of these strategies are discussed in Cory upcoming book "How to seize the means of computation”.

Volker Stocker and William Lehr: Ecosystem Evolution and Digital Infrastructure Policy Challenges: Insights & Reflections from an Economics Perspective"

Volker Stocker of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and William Lehr of the Advanced Networking Architecture Group in CSAIL at MIT presented their research on ecosysem evolution and policy challenges from an economics perspective. Volker is an economist with broad experience in interdisciplinay research, and William is a telecommunications and Internet economist and consultant.

Volker talked about the convergence of digital and non-digital worlds and mentioned a few trends that needed attention:

  • The shift to the edge and shift to the localization of traffic.
  • Ownership and management has shifted in the Internet ecosystem: sometimes hyper giant content providers with proprietary networks, sometimes edge clouds or roving resources.
  • Potential consequences: value chain constellations are more complex, diverse & dynamic, resulting in changing ownership and governance structures, industry structures as well as competititve and innovational dynamics.

Volker made three points in his reflections on ecosystem evolution:

  1. Essential digital infrastructure is about more than connectiivty, not just connectivities like IPX and ISPs.
  2. The majority of the requisite investmenet will be private! E.g., access ISPs, CAPs, CDNs, upstream ISPs, and end-users are all investing.
  3. More and new forms of resource sharing will be needed. More network sharing agreements: active & passive sharing arrangements and optimal models are evolving.

William highlighted that the legacy Internet is not the Internet of today, and the economics of yesterday are not those of today. One of the questions is how to restore meaningful competition?

He mentioned the following challenges and paths forward:

  1. Multidisciplinary Engagement & Feedback
  2. Assymetric Info & Measurements: Metrics and data (and their provenance)
  3. Capacity to Detect and Act


There was a discussion about how the private sector is expected to profit from the infrastructure development needed by society (assuming investments from the private sector). William replied in saying that
government built/subsidized most infrastructure in most places, with small investments needed initially. Some say significant investment should come from the utilities, which we should not dismiss. But we likely will need a strong argument on how to get there. Either we say there is a lot of money coming from public sector (for example, through taxes) or we have to find a way to manage private actors. Thus policy issues are important. Some of these questions are discussed in Williams paper on "Getting to the Broadband Future Efficiently with BEAD funding”.

Another question alluded to policy lagging behing the technical development, i.e., the mismatch of speed of innovation and speed of regulation (which is really hard at the national and internationl levels). William said that the best hope is standards and architectures that provides options and mentioned the importance of open source software.

Christian Tschudin: Minimal Global Broadcast

Christian Tschudin of the University of Basel presented a research idea called "Minimal Global Broadcast" (abstract). Christian is a computer science professor with a track record of research in Information-Centric Networking, distributed computing, and decentralized systems.

Christian started out from the observation that contacting peers in a decentralized environment is challenging. The key question is how do you learn about a peer’s current coordinates and their preferences? The platforms themselves often offer directories, but these are logically centralized rendezvous servers with a partial view and require trust in these platforms. Instead of conceptualizing an uber directory service Christian proposed a global information dissemination system that focuses on the data, asserting an allowance of “200 bytes of novelty per month
and citizen”.

This global broadcast channel can (and should) be implemented in many ways, starting from sneakernets to shortwave communication and including Internet-based online-services. Christian explained how such a service could be used to facilitate user migration and user discovery on their current preferred platform(s).


There were some question on trust in user identities. Christian said that trust roots would be external to MGB, and that there would be different levels of trust, e.g., for inter-personal relationship vs. business relationships.


Written by dkutscher

August 21st, 2023 at 5:40 pm

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ACM SIGCOMM CCR: Report of 2021 DINRG Workshop on Centralization in the Internet

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ACM SIGCOMM CCR just published the report of our 2021 DINRG meeting on Centralization in the Internet.

Executive Summary

There is a consensus within the networking community that the Internet consolidation and centralization trend has progressed rapidly over recent years, as measured by the structural changes to the data delivery infrastructure, the control power over system platforms, application development and deployment, and even in the standard development efforts. This trend has brought impactful technical, societal, and economical consequences.

When the Internet was first conceived as a decentralized system 40+ years back, few people, if any, could have foreseen how it looks today. How has the Internet evolved from there to here? What have been the driving forces for the observed consolidation? From a retrospective view, was there anything that might have been done differently to influence the course the Internet has taken? And most importantly, what should and can be done now to mitigate the trend of centralization? Although there are significant interests in these topics, there has not been much structured discussion on how to answer these important questions.

The IRTF Research Group on Decentralizing the Internet (DINRG) organized a workshop on “Centralization in the Internet” on June 3, 2021, with the objective of starting an organized open discussion on the above questions. Although there seems to be an urgent need for effective countermeasures to the centralization problem, this workshop took a step back: before jumping into solution development to steer the Internet away from centralization, we wanted to discuss how the Internet has evolved and changed, and what have been the driving forces and enablers for those changes. The organizers and part of the community believe that a sound and evidence-based understanding is the key towards devising effective remedy and action plans. In particular, we would like to deepen our understanding of the relationship between the architectural properties and economic developments.

This workshop consisted of two panels, each panel started with an opening presentation, followed by panel discussions, then open-floor discussions. There was also an all-hand discussion at the end. Three hours of the workshop presentations and discussions showed that this Internet centralization problem space is highly complex and filled with intrinsic interplays between technical and economic factors.

This report aims to summarize the workshop outcome with a broad-brush picture of the problem space. We hope that this big picture view could help the research group, as well as the broader IETF community, to reach a clearer and shared high-level understanding of the problem, and from there to identify what actions are needed, which of them require technical solutions, and which of them are regulatory issues which require technical community to provide inputs to regulatory sectors to develop effective regulation policies.

You can find the report in the ACM Digital Library. We also have a pre-print version.

Written by dkutscher

July 27th, 2023 at 4:35 pm

IRTF Decentralization of the Internet Research Group at IETF-117

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Recent years have witnessed the consolidations of the Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. The Decentralization of the Internet Research Group (DINRG) aims to provide for the research and engineering community, both an open forum to discuss the Internet centralization phenomena and associated potential threats, and a platform to facilitate the coordination of efforts in identifying the causes of observed consolidations and the mitigation solutions.

Our upcoming DINRG meeting at IETF-117 will feature three talks – by Cory Doctorow, Volker Stocker & William Lehr, and Christian Tschudin.

1DINRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, UpdatesChairs05 min
2Let The Platforms Burn: Bringing Back the Good Fire of the Old InternetCory Doctorow30 min
3Ecosystem Evolution and Digital Infrastructure Policy Challenges: Insights & Reflections from an Economics PerspectiveVolker Stocker & William Lehr20 min
4Minimal Global Broadcast (MGB)Christian Tschudin20 min
5Wrap-up & BufferAll15 min



DINRG Meeting at IETF-117 – 2023-07-25, 20:00 to 21:30 UTC

IETF-117 Agenda

Written by dkutscher

July 17th, 2023 at 5:44 pm

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Internet Centralization on the The Hedge

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Lixia Zhang and myself discussed Internet centralization together with Russ White, Alvaro Retana and Tom Ammon on The Hedge podcast.

Recent years have witnessed the consolidations of Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. The Decentralization of Internet Research Group (DINRG) aims to provide for the IRTF/IETF community both an open forum to discuss the Internet centralization phenomena and associated potential threats, and a platform to facilitate the coordination of efforts in identifying the causes of observed consolidations and the mitigation solutions.

DINRG's main objectives include the following:

  • Measurement of Internet centralization and the consequential societal impacts;
  • Characterization and assessment of observed Internet centralization;
  • Investigation of the root causes of Internet centralization, and articulation of the impacts from market economy, architecture and protocol designs, as well as government regulations;
  • Exploration of new research topics and technical solutions for decentralized system and application development;
  • Documentation of the outcome from the above efforts; and
  • Recommendations that may help steer Internet away from further consolidation.

Written by dkutscher

June 17th, 2023 at 6:36 am

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