Dirk Kutscher

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Recruiting PostDocs, PhD and MPhil Students for Networked Systems Research

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I am looking for PostDocs, PhD students, and MPhil students for joining my Networked Systems team at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Guangzhou, China.

HKUST is a leading international research university ranked 1st by Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2020 and 27th by QS World University Rankings 2021. Our new HKUST(GZ) campus in Guangzhou synergizes with and maintains the same academic standard as the original Hong Kong Clear Water Bay campus.

HKUST(GZ) follows a new innovative cross-discplinary approach, where computer science research interacts with hard and natural sciences, system engineering and socio-economic research.

Research Areas

I am pursuing systems research on topics such as:

We are addressing different applications such as:

  • Enabling new networked systems such as next-generation Web, network-supported AR/VR ("Metaverse");
  • Advancing the Internet and the Web to a more secure, privacy-preserving and overall more user-centric infrastructure
  • Secure and scalable edge computing;
  • Infrastructure for data science; and
  • Data-oriented IoT.

Expected Qualifications and Background

  • Ability to build software systems;
  • Knowledge in computer networking and distributed systems; and
  • Ambition to combine excellent research with building systems and artefacts that matter.

If you are interested in joining HKUST(GZ) as postdoc, postgraduate, or MPhil student please feel free to reach out to me. My e-mail address at HKUST: dku@ust.hk


Written by dkutscher

October 18th, 2022 at 3:04 pm

Posted in Jobs,Posts

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