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Nordwest-IX Internet Exchange Point

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DE-CIX and EWE TEL opened the new Nordwest-IX Internet exchange point in Oldenburg, Germany on 2024-08-15.

DE-CIX, the largest Internet Exchange in Europe and the second-largest in the world, has eight locations in Germany now: Oldenburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Ruhr region. They have recently begun to decentralize their IXPs in Germany by opening new IXPs in addition to their main location in Frankfurt.

Can IXPs help with Internet Decentralization?

In the IRTF Research Group on the Decentralization of the Internet (DINRG), we are investigating root causes for and potential counter-measures against Internet Centralization. There are two aspects for centralization/decentralization and IXPs:

  1. Internet peering happens mostly at public IXPs, locally centralized exchange points in an otherwise logically decentralized network of Autonomous Systems. Big application service providers ("hyperscalers") are also engaging in so-called "Direct Peering" (or "Private Peering") where they connect their network directly to, typically, Internet Service Providers that provide Internet access and can benefit from a direct connection to dominant content/service providers. Often, it is the hyperscaler who benefits most in terms of cost saving. Decentralizing IXPs can provide incentives for such networks to connect at IXPs instead of doing direct peering, which is often seen as beneficial as it increases connectivity options and it reduces cost and latency.
  2. IP connectivity alone is not a sufficient condition for low latency and decentralization though, as most hyperscaler applications rely on some form of CDN overlay network. Even with potential local IP forwarding, CDN proxies may be hosted at central locations. To counter that, it is important to create co-location and local edge service hosting opportunities at or closed to IXPs, which can be a business opportunity for the connected ISPs, such we EWE TEL for Nordwest-IX.

The Internet is evolving, and new technologies might change the role of overlays in the future. For example, technologies such as Media-over-QUIC (MoQ) might lead to massive caching and replication overlay structures that will or will not be shared across applications and hyperscalers. IXPs and co-location data centers can be natural places for operating MoQ relays.

Written by dkutscher

August 15th, 2024 at 6:09 pm

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We have an exciting agenda for our upcoming IRTF DINRG meeting (Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 at 09:30 in Vancouver) at IETF-120. If you do not attend the IETF-120 meeting locally, please consider attending online.

1 DINRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, Updates Chairs 05 min
2 Exploring Decentralized Digital Identity Protocols Kaliya Young 20 min
3 DNS-Bound Client and Sender Identities Michael Richardson 20 min
4 Internet Fragmentation Sheetal Kumar 20 min
5 SOLID: Your Data, Your Choice Hadrian Zbarcea 20 min
6 Panel discussion: Internet Decentralization – Next Steps Chairs & Panelists 30 min
7 Wrap-up & Buffer Chairs 05 min

Documents and Links to Resources

Panel Description

Internet Decentralization – Next Steps

The previous DINRG meetings all had lively open mic discussions. However we noticed that those spontaneous conversations, while being interesting and insightful, tend to head to different issues in diverse directions. At this meeting we will continue/extend the previous discussions by gathering a small group of panelists and start the discussion with a list of questions collected from the previous meetings. We will have an open mic for all audience and share the list of discussion questions on DINRG list before the meeting; by gathering a panel and preparing a list of questions, we hope to make the discussions more effective and fruitful, moving towards our overarching goal of identifying an ordered list of issues that DINRG aims to address in coming years.


Written by dkutscher

July 23rd, 2024 at 12:31 pm

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ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on the Decentralization of the Internet

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Recent years have witnessed the consolidation and centralization of the Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. This centralization has economic aspects and factors as well as technical ones. The effects are often characterized as detrimental to the original goals of the Internet, such as permissionless innovation, as well as to society at large, due to the amount of (personal) data that is obtained and capitalized on by large platforms.

We are organizing a workshop at ACM CoNEXT-2024 to provide a forum for academic researchers to present and discuss on-going work on this topic and to create greater awareness in the larger community for this topic. The workshop would solicit work on specific topics including but not limited to:

  • investigation of the root causes of Internet centralization, and articulation of the impacts of the market economy, architecture and protocol designs, as well as government regulations;
  • measurement of the Internet centralization and the consequential societal impacts;
  • characterization and assessment of observed Internet centralization;
  • new research topics and technical solutions for decentralized system and application development;
  • decentralized (cloud-independent) distributed system design;
  • protocols and algorithms for decentralized distributed systems; and
  • decentralized security and trust architectures and protocols for real-world Internet systems.

Submission Instructions

Please see the workshop homepage for details.

Written by dkutscher

May 31st, 2024 at 2:11 pm

HKUST Internet Research Workshop 2024

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On March 15 2024, in the week before the IETF-119 meeting in Brisbane, Zili Meng and I organized the 1st HKUST Internet Research Workshop that brought together researchers in computer networking and systems around the globe to a live forum discussing innovative ideas at their early stages. The workshop took place at HKUST's Clear Water Bay campus in Hong Hong.

We ran the workshop like a “one day Dagstuhl seminar” and focused on discussion and ideas exchange and less on conference-style presentations. The objective was to identify topics and connect like-minded people for potential future collaboration, which worked out really well.

The agenda was:

  1. Dirk Kutscher: Networking for Distributed ML
  2. Zili Meng: Overview of the Low-Latency Video Delivery Pipeline
  3. Jianfei He: The philosophy behind computer networking
  4. Carsten Bormann: Towards a device-infrastructure continuum in IoT and OT networks
  5. Zili Meng: Network Research – Academia, Industry, or Both?

Dirk Kutscher: Networking for Distributed ML

With the ever-increasing demand for compute power from large-scale machine learning training we have started to realize that not only does Moore's Law no longer address increasing performance demand automatically, but also that the growth rate in terms of training FLOPs for transformers and other large-scale machine learning exhibits by far larger exponential factors.

This has been well illustrated by presentations in an AI data center side meeting at IETF-118, for example by Omer Shabtai who talked about Distributed Training in data centers.

WIth increasing scale, communication over networks becomes a bottleneck, and the question arises, what could be good system designs, protocols, and in-network support strategies to improve performance.

Current distributed machine learning systems typically use a technology called Collective Communication that was developed as a Message Passing Interface (MPI) abstraction for high-performance computing (HPC). Collective Communication is the combination of standardized aggregration and reduction function with communication abstractions, e.g., for "broadcasting" or "unicasting" results.

Collective Communication is implemented a few popular libraries such as OpenMPI and Nvidia's NCCL. When used in IP networks, the communication is usually mapped to iterations of peer-to-peer interactions, e.g., organizing nodes in a ring and sending data for aggregation within such rings. One potential way to achieve better performance would be to perform the aggregation "in the network", as in HPC systems, e.g., using the Scalable hierarchical aggregation protocol (SHArP). Previous work has attempted doing this with P4-based dataplane programming, however such approaches are typically limited due to the mostly stateless operation of the corresponding network elements.

In large-scale training sessions, running over shared infrastructure in multi-tenant data centers, communication needs to respond to congestion, packet loss, server overload etc., i.e., the features of typical transport protocols are needed.

I had previously discussed corresponding challenges and requirements in these Internet Drafts:

In my talk at HKIRW, I discussed ideas for corresponding transport protocols. There are interesting challenges in bringing together reliable communication, congestion control, flow control, single-destination as well multi-destination communication and in-network processing.

Zili Meng: Overview of the Low-Latency Video Delivery Pipeline

Zili talked about requirements for ultra-low latency for interactive streaming for the next-generation of immersive applications. Some application provide really stringent low-latency requirements, with a consistent service quality over many hours, and the talk suggested a better coordination between all elements of the streaming and rendering pipeline.

There was a discussion as to how achievable these requirements are in the Internet and whether applications might be re-designed in terms of providing acceptable user experience even without guaranteed high-bandwidth low-latency service, for example by employing technologies such as semantic communication, prediction, local control loops etc.

Jianfei He: The philosophy behind computer networking

In his talk, Jianfe He asked the question how the field of computer networked can be more precisely defined and how a more systematic could help with the understanding and design of future networked systems.

Specifically, he suggested considering basing design on a solid understanding of potentials and absolute constraints in a certain field, such as Shannon's theory/limit and on the notion of tradeoffs, i.e., consequences of certain design decisions, as represented by the CAP theorem in distributed systems. He mentioned two examples: 1) routing protocols and 2) transport protocols.

For routing protocols, there are well-known tradeoffs between convergence time, scaling limits, and required bandwidths. With changed network properties (bandwidth) – can we reasons about options for shifting the tradeoffs?

For transport protocols, there a goals such as reliability, congestion control etc., and tradeoff relationships between packet loss, line utilization, delay and buffer size. How would designs change if we changed the objective, e.g., to shortest flow completion times or shortest message completion time (or if we looked at collections of flows)? What if we added fairness to these objectives?

Jianfe asked the question whether it was possible to develop these tradeoffs/constraints into a more consistent theory.

Carsten Bormann: Towards a device-infrastructure continuum in IoT and OT networks

Carsten talked about requirements and available technologies for providing a secure management of IoT devices in a device-infrastructure continuum in IoT and OT networks, where scale demands high degrees of automation at run-time and only limited individual device configuration (at installation only). It is no longer possible to manually track each new "Thing" species.

Carsten mentioned technologies such as

  • RFC 8250: Manufacturer's Usage Description (MUD);
  • W3C Web of Things description model; and
  • IETF Semantic Definition Format (SDF).

In his talk, Carsten formulated the goal of "Well-Informed Networking", i.e., an approach where networks can obtain sufficient information about the existing devices, their legitimate communication requirements, and their current status (device health).

Zili Meng: Network Research – Academia, Industry, or Both?

Zili discussed the significance of consistently high numbers industry and industry-only papers at major networking conferences. Often such papers are based on operational experience that can only obtained by companies actually operating corresponding systems.

Sometimes papers seem to get accepted not necessarily on the basis of their technical merits but because they report on "large-scale deployments".

When academics get involved in such work, it is often not in a driving position, but rather through students who work in internship at corresponding companies. Naturally, such papers are not questioning the status quo and are generally not critical of the systems they discuss.

At the workshop, we discussed the changes in the networking research field over the past years, as well as the challenges of successful collaborations between academia and industry.

Written by dkutscher

April 6th, 2024 at 10:55 am

IRTF Decentralization of the Internet Research Group at IETF-117

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Recent years have witnessed the consolidations of the Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. The Decentralization of the Internet Research Group (DINRG) aims to provide for the research and engineering community, both an open forum to discuss the Internet centralization phenomena and associated potential threats, and a platform to facilitate the coordination of efforts in identifying the causes of observed consolidations and the mitigation solutions.

Our upcoming DINRG meeting at IETF-117 will feature three talks – by Cory Doctorow, Volker Stocker & William Lehr, and Christian Tschudin.

1DINRG Chairs’ Presentation: Status, UpdatesChairs05 min
2Let The Platforms Burn: Bringing Back the Good Fire of the Old InternetCory Doctorow30 min
3Ecosystem Evolution and Digital Infrastructure Policy Challenges: Insights & Reflections from an Economics PerspectiveVolker Stocker & William Lehr20 min
4Minimal Global Broadcast (MGB)Christian Tschudin20 min
5Wrap-up & BufferAll15 min



DINRG Meeting at IETF-117 – 2023-07-25, 20:00 to 21:30 UTC

IETF-117 Agenda

Written by dkutscher

July 17th, 2023 at 5:44 pm

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Internet Centralization on the The Hedge

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Lixia Zhang and myself discussed Internet centralization together with Russ White, Alvaro Retana and Tom Ammon on The Hedge podcast.

Recent years have witnessed the consolidations of Internet applications, services, as well as the infrastructure. The Decentralization of Internet Research Group (DINRG) aims to provide for the IRTF/IETF community both an open forum to discuss the Internet centralization phenomena and associated potential threats, and a platform to facilitate the coordination of efforts in identifying the causes of observed consolidations and the mitigation solutions.

DINRG's main objectives include the following:

  • Measurement of Internet centralization and the consequential societal impacts;
  • Characterization and assessment of observed Internet centralization;
  • Investigation of the root causes of Internet centralization, and articulation of the impacts from market economy, architecture and protocol designs, as well as government regulations;
  • Exploration of new research topics and technical solutions for decentralized system and application development;
  • Documentation of the outcome from the above efforts; and
  • Recommendations that may help steer Internet away from further consolidation.

Written by dkutscher

June 17th, 2023 at 6:36 am

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Addressing in the Internet

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There was a side meeting on Internet Addressing at IETF-112 this week, discussing potential gaps in Internet Addressing and potential use cases that would suggest new addressing structures.

Looking at the realities in the Internet today, I do not think that actual relevant use cases and current issues in the Internet are served well by just a new addressing approach for the Internet Protocol. Instead I believe that there needs to be architectural discussion first – and addressing might eventually fall out as a result.

My slides for the panel discussion.

Written by dkutscher

November 11th, 2021 at 2:22 pm

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Zensur im Internet

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In der neuen Folge unseres Podcasts Neulich im Netz widmen wir uns eines etwas delikateren Themas: Zensur im Internet

Insbesondere geht es um die "Great Firewall of China" (GFW), die wir in Bezug auf ihre technische Umsetzung und Probleme analysiert haben.

Anhand von Publikationen und eigenen Erfahrungen analyisieren wir, wie die GFW grob funtioniert, kontinuiierlich weiterentwickelt wird, und wie effektiv unterschiedliche Werkzeuge wie VPNs, shadowsocks usw. sind.

Diese und weitere Aspekte von Zensur im Internet in der dritten Episode von Neulich im Netz.

Written by dkutscher

June 23rd, 2021 at 9:56 am

Great Expectations

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Protocol Design and Socioeconomic Realities

(PDF version)

The Internet & Web as a whole qualify as wildly successful technologies, each of which empowered by wildly successful protocols per RFC 5218's definition [1]. As the Internet & Web became critical infrastructure and business platforms, most of the originally articulated design goals and features such as global reach, permissionless innovation, accessibility etc. [5] got overshadowed by the trade-offs that they incur. For example, global reach —intended as enabling global connectivity — can also imply global reach for infiltration, regime change and infrastructure attacks by state actors. Permissionless innovation — motivated by the intention to overcome the lack of innovation options in traditional telephone networks — has also led us to permissionless surveillance and mass-manipulation-based business models that have been characterized as detrimental from a societal perspective.

Most of these developments cannot be directly ascribed to Internet technologies alone. For example, most user surveillance and data extraction technologies are actually based on web protocol mechanisms and particular web protocol design decisions. While it has been documented that some of these technology and standards developments have been motivated by particular economic interests [2], it is unclear whether different Internet design decisions could have led to a different, "better" outcome. Fundamentally, economic drivers in different societies (and on a global scale) cannot be controlled through technology and standards development alone.

This memo is thus rather focused on specific protocol design and evolution questions, specifically on the question how technical design decisions relate to socio-economic effects, and aims at providing input for future design discussions, leveraging experience from 50 years of Internet evolution, 30 years of Web evolution, observations from economic realities, and from years of Future Internet research.

IP Service Model

The IP service model was clearly designed to provide a minimal layer over different link layer technologies to enable inter-networking at low implementation cost [3]. Starting off as an experiment, looking for feasible initial deployment strategies, this was clearly a reasonable approach. The IP service model of packet-switched end-to-end best-effort communication between hosts (host interfaces) over a network of networks, was implemented by:

  • an addressing scheme that allows specifying source and destination host (interface) addresses in a topologically structured address space; and
  • minimal per-hop behavior (stateless forwarding of individual packets).

The minimal model implied punting many functions to other layers, encapsulation, and/or "management" services (transport, dealing with names, security). Multicast was not excluded by the architecture, but also not very well supported, so that IP Multicast (and the required inter-domain multicast routing protocols) did not find much deployment outside well-controlled local domains (for example, telco IP TV).

The resulting system of end-to-end transport over a minimal packet forwarding service has served many applications and system implementations. However, over time, technical application as well as business requirements have led to additional infrastructure, extensions and new way of using Internet technologies, for example:

  • in-network transport performance optimization to provide better control loop localization in mobile networks;
  • massive CDN infrastructure to provide more scalable popular content distribution;
  • (need for) access control, authorization based on IP and transport layer identifiers;
  • user-tracking based on IP and transport layer identifiers; and
  • usage of DNS for localization, destination rewriting, and user tracking.

It can be argued that some of these approaches and developments have also led to some of the centralization/consolidation issues that are discussed today – especially with respect to CDN that is essentially inevitable for any large-scale content distribution (both static and live content). Looking at the original designs, the later understood commercial needs and the outcome today, one could ask the question, how would a different Internet service model and different network capabilities affect the tussle balance [5] between different actors and interests in the Internet?

For example, a more powerful forwarding service with more elaborate (and more complex) per-hop-behavior could employ (soft-) stateful forwarding, enabling certain forms of in-network congestion control. Some form of caching could help making services such as local retransmissions and potential data sharing at the edge a network service function, removing the need for some middleboxes.

Other systems such as the NDN/CCNx variants of ICN employ the principle of accessing named-data in the network, where each packet must be requested by INTEREST messages that are visible to forwarders. Forwarders can aggregate INTERESTs for the same data, and in conjunction with in-network storage, this can implement an implicit multicast distribution service for near-simultaneous transmissions.

In ICN, receiver-driven operation could eliminate certain DoS attack vectors, and the lack of source addresses (due to stateful forwarding) could provide some form of anonymity. The use of expressive, possibly application-relevant names could enable better visibility by the network —however potentially enabling both, more robust access control and (on the negative side) more effective hooks for censoring communication and monitoring user traffic.

This short discussion alone illustrates how certain design decisions can play out in the real world later and that even little changes in the architecture and protocol mechanisms can shift the tussle balance between actors, possibly in unintended ways. As Clark argued in [3], it is important to understand the corresponding effects or architectural changes, let alone bigger redesign efforts.

The Internet design choices at a time were motivated by certain requirements that were valid at the time — but may not all still hold today. Todays networking platforms are by far more powerful, more programmable. The main applications are totally different as are the business players and the governance structures. This process of change may continue in the future, which adds another level of difficulty for any change of architecture elements and core protocols. However, this does not mean that we should not try it.

Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation (NAT) has been criticized for impeding transport layer innovation, adding brittleness, and delaying IPv6 adoption. At the same time NAT was deemed necessary for growing the Internet eco system, for enabling local network extensions at the edge without administrative configuration. It also provides a limited form of protection against certain types of attacks. As such it addressed shortcomings of the system.

The implicit client-initiated port-forwarding (the technical reason for the limit attack protection mentioned above) is obviously blocking both unwanted and wanted communication, which makes it difficult to run servers at homes, enterprise sites etc. in a sound way (manual configuration of port forwarding still comes with limitations). This however could be seen as one of the drivers for the centralization of servers in data centers ("cloud") that is a concern in some discussions today. [4]

What does this mean for assessing and potentially evolving previous design decisions? The NAT use cases and their technical realization are connected to several trade-offs that impose non-trivial challenges for potential architecture and protocol evolution: 1) Easy extensibility at the edge vs. scalable routing; 2) Threat protection vs. decentralized nature of the system; 3) Interoperability vs. transport innovation.

In a positive light, use cases such as local communication and dynamic Internet extension at the edge (with the associated security challenges) represent interesting requirements that can help finding the right balance in the design space for future network designs.


Pervasive monitoring is an attack [7], and it is important to assess existing protocol and security frameworks with respect to changes in the way that the Internet is being used by corporations and state-level actors and to develop new protocols where needed. QUIC is encrypting transport headers in addition to application data, intending to make user tracking and other monitoring attacks harder to mount.

Economically however, the more important use case of user tracking today is the systematic surveillance of individuals on the web, i.e., through a massive network of tracking, aggregation and analytics entities [6]. Ubiquitous encryption of transport and application protocols does not prevent this at all — on the contrary, it makes it more difficult to detect, analyze, and, where needed, prevent user tracking. This does not render connection encryption useless (especially not because surveillance in the network and on web platforms complement each other through aggregation and commercial trading of personally identifying information (PII)) but it requires a careful consideration of the trade-offs.

For example, perfect protection against on-path monitoring is only effective if it covers the complete path between a user agent and the corresponding application server. This shifts the tussle balance between confidentiality and network control (enterprise firewalls, parental control etc.) significantly. Specifically for QUIC, which is intended to run in user space, i.e., without the potential for OS control, users may end up in situations where they have to trust the application service providers (who typically control the client side as well, through apps or browsers, as well parts of the CDN and network infrastructure) to transfer information without leaking PII irresponsibly.

If the Snowden revelations led to a better understanding of the nature and scope of pervasive monitoring and to best current practices for Internet protocol design, what is the adequate response to the continuous revelations of the workings and extent of the surveillance industry? What protocol mechanisms and API should we develop, and what should we rather avoid?

DNS encryption is another example that illustrates the trade-offs. Unencrypted DNS (especially with the EDNS0 client subnet option, depending on prefix length and network topology) can increase of privacy violations by on-path/intermediary monitoring.

DNS encryption can counter certain on-path monitoring attacks — but it could effectively make the privacy situation for users worse, if it is implemented by centralizing servers (so that application service providers, in addition to tracking user behaviour for one application, can now also monitor DNS communication for all applications). This has been recognized in current proposals, e.g., limiting the scope for DNS encryption to stub-to-resolver communication. While this can be enforced by architectural oversight in standards development, we do not yet know how we can enforce this in actual implementation, for example for DNS over QUIC.

Future Challenges: In-Network Computing

Recent advances in platform virtualization, link layer technologies and data plane programmability have led to a growing set of use cases where computation near users or data consuming applications is needed — for example for addressing minimal latency requirements for compute-intensive interactive applications (networked Augmented Reality, AR), for addressing privacy sensitivity (avoiding raw data copies outside a perimeter by processing data locally), and for speeding up distributed computation by putting computation at convenient places in a network topology.

In-network computing has mainly been perceived in four main variants so far: 1) Active Networking, adapting the per-hop-behavior of network elements with respect to packets in flows, 2) Edge Computing as an extension of virtual-machine (VM) based platform-as-a-service to access networks, 3) programming the data plane of SDN switches (leveraging powerful programmable switch CPUs and programming abstractions such as P4), and 4) application-layer data processing frameworks.

Active Networking has not found much deployment due to its problematic security properties and complexity. Programmable data planes can be used in data centers with uniform infrastructure, good control over the infrastructure, and the feasibility of centralized control over function placement and scheduling. Due to the still limited, packet-based programmability model, most applications today are point solutions that can demonstrate benefits for particular optimizations, however often without addressing transport protocol services or data security that would be required for most applications running in shared infrastructure today.

Edge Computing (just as traditional cloud computing) has a fairly coarse-grained (VM-based) computation-model and is hence typically deploying centralized positioning/scheduling though virtual infrastructure management (VIM) systems. Application-layer data processing such as Apache Flink on the other hand, provide attractive dataflow programming models for event-based stream processing and light-weight fault-tolerance mechanisms — however systems such as Flink are not designed for dynamic scheduling of compute functions.

Ongoing research efforts (for example in the proposed IRTF COIN RG) have started exploring this space and the potential role that future network and transport layer protocols can play. It is feasible to integrate networking and computing beyond overlays, potentially ? What would be a minimal service (like IP today) that has the potential for broad reach, permissionless innovation, and evolution paths to avoid early ossification?


Although the impact of Internet technology design decisions may be smaller than we would like to think, it is nevertheless important to assess the trade-offs in the past and the potential socio-economic effects that different decisions could have in the future. One challenge is the depth of the stack and the interactions across the stack (e.g., the perspective of CDN addressing shortcomings of the IP service layer, or the perspective of NAT and centralization). The applicability of new technology proposals therefore needs a far more thorough analysis — beyond proof-of-concepts and performance evaluations.


[1] D. Thaler, B. Aboba; What Makes for a Successful Protocol?; RFC 5218; July 2008

[2] S. Greenstein; How The Internet Became Commercial; Princeton University Press; 2017

[3] David Clark; Designing an Internet; MIT Press; October 2018

[4] Jari Arkko et al.; Considerations on Internet Consolidation and the Internet Architecture; Internet Draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-arkko-iab-internet-consolidation-01; March 2019

[5] Internet Society; Internet Invariants: What Really Matters; https://www.internetsociety.org/internet-invariants-what-really-matters/; February 2012

[6] Shosanna Zuboff; The Age of Surveillance Capitalism; PublicAffairs; 2019

[7] Stephen Farrell, Hannes Tschofenig; Pervasive Monitoring is an Attack; RFC 7258; May 2014

Change Log

  • 2019-06-07: fixed several typos and added clarification regarding EDNS0 client subnet (thanks to Dave Plonka)

Written by dkutscher

June 4th, 2019 at 11:30 am

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