Archive for the ‘distributed computing’ tag
Affordable HPC: Leveraging Small Clusters for Big Data and Graph Computing
In our paper at PCDS-2024, we are exploring strategies for academic researchers to optimize computational resources within limited budgets, focusing on building small, efficient computing clusters. We analyzed the comparative costs of purchasing versus renting servers, guided by market research and economic theories on tiered pricing. The paper offers detailed insights into the selection and assembly of hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, and motherboards tailored to specific research needs. It introduces innovative methods to mitigate the performance issues caused by PCIe switch bandwidth limitations in order to enhance GPU task scheduling. Furthermore, a Graph Neural Network (GNN) framework is proposed to analyze and optimize parallelism in computing networks.
Growing Resource Demands for Large-Scale Machine Learning
Large machine learning (ML) models, such as language models (LLMs), are becoming increasingly powerful and gradually accessible to end users. However, the growth in the capabilities of these models has led to memory and inference computation demands exceeding those of personal computers and servers. To enable users, research teams, and others to utilize and experiment with these models, a distributed architecture is essential.
In recent years, scientific research has shifted from a ”wisdom paradigm” to a ”resource paradigm.” As the number of researchers and the depth of scientific exploration increase, a significant portion of research computing tasks has moved to servers. This shift has been facilitated by the development of computing frameworks and widespread use of computers, leading to an increased demand for computer procurement.
Despite the abundance of online tutorials for assembling personal computers, information on the establishment of large clusters is relatively scarce. Large Internet companies and multinational corporations usually employ professional architects and engineers or work closely with vendors to optimize their cluster performance. However, researchers often do not have access to these technical details and must rely on packaged solutions from service providers to build small clusters.
Towards Affordable HPC
In our paper "Affordable HPC: Leveraging Small Clusters for Big Data and Graph Computing", we aim to bridge this gap by providing opportunities for researchers with limited funds to build small clusters from scratch. We compiled the necessary technical details and guidelines to enable researchers to assemble clusters independently. In addition, we propose a method to mitigate the performance degradation caused by the bandwidth limitations of PCIe switches, which can help researchers prioritize GPU training tasks effectively.
The papers discusses:
- How to build cost-effective clusters: We provide a comprehensive guide for researchers with limited funds, helping them to independently build small clusters and contribute to the development of large models.
- Performance Optimization: We propose a method to address the performance degradation caused by PCIe switch bandwidth limitations. This method allows researchers to prioritize GPU training tasks effectively, thereby improving the overall cluster performance.
- GNN for Network and Neural network parallelism: We propose a GNN (Graph Neural Network) framework that combines neural networks with parallel network flows in distributed systems. Our aim is to integrate different types of data flows, communication patterns, and computational tasks, thereby providing a novel perspective for evaluating the performance of distributed systems.
- Ruilong Wu, Yisu Wang, Dirk Kutscher; Affordable HPC: Leveraging Small Clusters for Big Data and Graph Computing; The 1st International Symposium on Parallel Comnputing and Distributed Systems; September 2024; pre-print:
Networked Systems for Distributed Machine Learning at Scale
On July 3rd, 2024, I gave a talk at the UCL/Huawei Joint Lab Workshop on "Building Better Protocols for Future Smart Networks" that took place on UCL's campus in London.
Talk Abstract
Large-scale distributed machine learning training networks are increasingly facing scaling problems with respect to FLOPS per deployed compute node. Communication bottlenecks can inhibit the effective utilization of expensive GPU resources. The root cause of these performance problems is not insufficient transmission speed or slow servers; it is the structure of the distributed computing and the communication characteristics it incurs. Large machine learning workloads typically provide relatively asymmetric, and sometimes centralized, communication structures, such as gradient aggregation and model update distribution. Even when training networks are less centralized, the amount of data that needs to be sent to aggregate several thousand input values through collective communication functions such as AllReduce can lead to Incast problems that overload network resources and servers. This talk discusses challenges and opportunities for developing in-network aggregation systems from a distributed computing and networked systems perspective.
Computing in the Network – Lessons Learned and New Opportunities
The Internet is a distributed system that enables distributed computing applications, from client-server web applications to collaborative multi-media applications. The evolution of both compute server and network infrastructure platforms has fueled the development of new approaches for building more programmable networks and of application support functions in the network.
At the same time, new applications such as IoT data processing, distributed machine learning, decomposed application architectures such as Microservice and distributed computing frameworks introduce new opportunities for the development of more principled approaches towards Computing in the Network.
In my invited talk at AINTEC-2023, I reviewed some promising use cases, highlighted recent relevant research results and discussed several research challenges for conceiving Computing in the Network from an Internet perspective, for example discussing the meaning of "end-to-end communication" and "permissionless innovation" in the light of these new developments.
From "In-Network Computing"...
"In-Network Computing" is a popular but also relatively poorly defined term that comes up a lot in recent research studies. I discussed the different facets such as traditional networked computing, middlebox-like packet processing, active networking, programmable dataplane, Network Functions Virtualization and Service Function Chaning as depicted in the figure below.
In general, we can distinguish two main directions:
- Computing on the Network: general distributed computing using Internet technologies for communication, such as the Web and related overlay networks such as CDNs.
- Middlebox-like packet processing: intercepting, manipulating, generating, and steering packets has been applied to production networks in data centers and telco networks, often as a performance enhancing approach.
What about Programmable Data Plane?
Programmable Data Plane approaches such as the P4 programming language are often used to implement certain elements of either of these two categories, for example, traffic steering, load balancing etc. There are some point solutions for more application-layer-oriented functionalities such as NetCache, support for distributed consensus protocols, support for distributed machine learning training etc., but these tyically operate under very specific assumptions, and are often at odds with end-to-semantics and security. One example of a productive use of Programmable Data Plane in my opinion was the SIGCOMM-2023 paper on NetClone: Fast, Scalable, and Dynamic Request Cloning for Microsecond-Scale RPCs by Gyuyeong Kim. In this work, programmable switches were used to implemenent request forwarding strategies based on relatively simple packet meta information and observed performance, i.e., without requiring application layer knowledge.
... To "Computing in the Network"
There are many relevant use cases of distributed computing that can benefit from (and urgently need) support from networking and where distributing processing, aggregation etc. with awareness of network topologies, current utilization etc. would make a real difference. We have earlier built such a system and called it Compute-First Networking: Distributed Computing meets ICN (see for background).
I talked about relevant applications such as distributed stream processing, and distributed machine learning. Today, these systems are typically run on the network but could definitely benefit from a better support and from better awareness of the network – so I asked the question whether there is the possibility for a confluence of existing and emerging capabilities of modern hardware and the requirements of relevant distributed computing applications.
Questions I raised included:
- How can we conceive such a confluence?
- How can we support distributed computing without giving up layering and principles such as the end-to-end principle?
- What features do we need from transport protocols to support diverse use cases?
Distributed Machine Learning
Distributed machine learning, e.g., federated learning, is an application that is currently perceived as a major driver for in-network computing. Large-scale training networks are expected to enable higher degrees of parallelization and handling of larger model sizes. How would we run such workloads as distributed systems, within data centers but potentially also across the Internet?
It is important to understand the performance requirements of such systems. Initial systems were build with bespoke High-Performance Computing (HPC) architectures and communication technologies such as Infiniband. Such systems used in-network aggregation functions and defined corresponding architectures such as SHArP.
Today's data center systems employ RDMA and RDMA over Ethernet (RoCE) as low-layer abstraction for efficient packet-based communication on layer 2, without addressing higher layer transport and system design aspects.
Collective Communications
In parallel computing architectures, Message Passing Interface (MPI) is typically used to provide efficient and portable inter-process communication for high-performance computing. One of the concepts developed in MPI is Collective Communication, a set of bespoke data aggregation and distribution patterns for different data-oriented distributed computing scenarios, such as:
- Broadcasting, e.g., for distributing configuration data or common ML models
- Scattering: single process involves a single process sending distinct pieces of data to each process
- Gathering: one process collecting and combining data pieces from other processes
- All-to-all communications: every process sends data to every other processes
- Reduction: collect data from all processes, aggregate and send result
Today's Collective Communication implementations are implementing these patterns for different underlaying networks and inter-process facilities. For GPU-based Collective Communications in today's networks, often a ring-based communication is applied, leading to quite some inefficiencies with respect to communication overhead and idle times of the different processors. See this presentation from Tencent at the recent AIDC side meeting at IETF-118. Other implementations use peer-to-peer communication models.
Collective Communication in the Network
From a networking perspective, the question is how to map collective communication better to Internet technology-based networked systems, avoiding unnessary duplication, providing typical transport protocol features such as reliability and congestion control, and enabling an optimal placement of corresponding aggregation functions.
This would incur a set of challenges such as
- Transport
- Reliability: underlying network lacks communication reliability
- Application data units instead of packets
- Blocking & non-blocking communication modes
- Security (potentially)
- Multi-destination delivery
- IP-Multicast possibly not the best fit
- Computing in the Network Framework
- Generic operations as primitives (at least per application domain)
- Stringent performance requirement
- Control, Optimizations, Management
- Topology and utilization awareness
- Scheduling communication and computation for optimal performance
We discussed these challenges in two recently submitted Internet Drafts on Transport for Collective Communications, and I discussed these issues in more detail during the talk.
Data-Oriented Collective Communications
I proposed the direction of data-oriented Collective Communication and discussed how concepts from Information-Centric distributed computing could possibly employed to achieve efficient and practical multi-destination transport, reliability and congestion control, and flexible placement of aggregation functions with a name-based identity scheme.
Promising features would include:
- Data-oriented communication model
- Locator-less model conducive to data production and consumption at different places in the network (computing)
- Multi-destination delivery included
- In-network retransmission and caching could help with reliability and performance
However, I also mentioned some challenges:
- Receiver-driven transport results in polling – efficient enough?
- RDMA-like communication unexplored
- Security concept: data-oriented security good – unclear whether it can be afforded
- Exact scheduling may be at odds with current ICN system design – more work needed
In summary, this seems to be rich field for future systems research. Distributed machine learning drives the development of new concepts for communication and computing. It clearly needs efficient multi-destination communication and an efficient mapping of MPI-inspired Collective Communication. The current abstractions do not fit well, and pure IP packet level communication is too limited. Connection-oriented transport seems to be at odds with the communication semantics, which makes data-oriented communication attractive. Such an approach could work with a name-based approach, i.e., without addresses, which is conducive to data production and consumption. Certainly, the challenging performance requirements call for more research and possibly evolution of current ICN protocols.
- [CFN-ICN] Compute-First Networking: Distributed Computing meets ICN
- [DISTCOMPICN] Distributed Computing in ICN
- [IETFCollectiveCommunications] Collective Communication: Better Network Abstractions for AI
- [IETF118AIDC] Side meeting at IETF-118 on AI in Data Centers
- [IETF118CC] Side meeting at IETF-118 on Collective Communications
- [NETCLONE] NetClone: Fast, Scalable, and Dynamic Request Cloning for Microsecond-Scale RPCs
- [RoCE] RDMA over Ethernet (RoCE)
- [SHARP] Richard L. Graham, Devendar Bureddy, Pak Lui, Hal Rosenstock, Gilad Shainer, Gil Bloch, Dror Goldenerg, Mike Dubman, Sasha Kotchubievsky, Vladimir Koushnir, Lion Levi, Alex Margolin, Tamir Ronen, Alexander Shpiner, Oded Wertheim, and Eitan Zahavi. 2016. Scalable hierarchical aggregation protocol (SHArP): a hardware architecture for efficient data reduction. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Optimization of Communication in HPC (COM-HPC '16). IEEE Press, 1–10.
Seminar Talk: Accelerating Distributed Systems with In-Network Computation
In our invited talks series at HKUST(GZ), I am happy to be hosting Wenfei WU from Peking University on 2023-11-02, 14:00 CST, for his talk on Accelerating Distributed Systems with In-Network Computation.
Accelerating Distributed Systems with In-Network Computation
With Moore's Law slowing down, building distributed and heterogeneous systems becomes a new trend to support large-scale applications, such as large model training and big data analytics. In-Network Computing (INC) is an effective approach to building such distributed systems. INC leverages programmable network devices to process traversing data packets, and provides line-rate and low-latency data processing capabilities, which could compress traffic volume and accelerate the overall transmission and job efficiency. In this talk, we will share the progress and development of INC technologies, including INC protocol design for machine learning and data analytics, and RDMA-compatible INC solutions. These works are published in NSDI21 and ASPLOS23.
Wenfei WU
Wenfei Wu is an assistant professor from the School of Computer Science at Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015. Dr. Wu researches into computer networks and distributed systems, and has published more than 50 papers in these areas. Dr. Wu's recent research focus is to build in-network computation (INC) methods for distributed systems; his work on INC-empowered distributed machine learning system ATP won the best paper award in NSDI 2021, and that on INC-empowered distributed data analytics system ASK won the distinguished paper award in ASPLOS 2023; Dr. Wu won other awards like IPCCC best paper runner-up in 2019, SoCC best student paper in 2013, etc.
Online Participation
Distributed Computing in Information-Centric Networking
This is an introduction to our paper:
- Wei Geng, Yulong Zhang, Dirk Kutscher, Abhishek Kumar, Sasu Tarkoma, Pan Hui; Sok: Distributed Computing in ICN; 10th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ACM ICN '23); October 9 — 10, 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland;; pre-print available at
Distributed computing is the basis for all relevant applications on the Internet. Based on well-established principles, different mechanisms, implementations, and applications have been developed that form the foundation of the modern Web.
The Internet with its stateless forwarding service and end-to-endcommunication model promotes certain types of communication for distributed computing. For example, IP addresses and/or DNS names provide different means for identifying computing components. Reliable transport protocols (e.g., TCP, QUIC) promote interconnecting modules. Communication patterns such as REST and protocol implementations such as HTTP enable certain types of distributed computing interactions, and security frameworks such as TLS and the web PKI constrain the use of public-key cryptography for different security functions.
From Distributed Computing...
Distributed computing has different facets, for example, client-server computing, web services, stream processing, distributed consensus systems, and Turing-complete distributed computing platforms. There are also different perspectives on how distributed computing should be implemented on servers and network platforms, a research area that we refer to as Computing in the Network. Active Networking, one of the earliest works on computing in the network, intended to inject programmability and customization of data packets in the network itself; however, security and complexity considerations proved to be major limiting factors, preventing its wider deployment.
Dataplane programmability refers to the ability to program behavior, including application logic, on network elements and SmartNICs, thus enabling some form in-network computing. Alternatively, different types of server platforms and light-weight execution environments are enabling other forms of distributing computation in networked systems, such as architectural patterns, such as edge computing.
... To Computing in the Network
With currently available Internet technologies, we can observe a relatively succinct layering of networking and distributed computing, i.e., distributed computing is typically implemented in overlays with Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) being prominent and ubiquitous example. Recently, there has been growing interest in revisiting this relationship, for example by the IRTF Computing in the NetworkResearch Group (COINRG) – motivated by advances in network and server platforms, e.g., through the development of programmable data plane platforms and the development of different types of distributed computing frameworks, e.g., stream processing and microservice frameworks.
This is also motivated by the recent development of new distributed computing applications such as distributed machine learning (ML), and emerging new applications such as Metaverse suggest new levels of scale in terms of data volume for distributed computing and the pervasiveness of distributed computing tasks in such systems. There are two research questions that stem from these developments:
How can we build distributed computing systems in the network that can leverage the on-path location of compute functions, e.g., optimally aligning stream processing topologies with networked computing platform topologies?
How can the network support distributed computing in general, so that the design and operation of such systems can be simplified, but also so that different optimizations can be achieved to improve performance and robustness?
Issues in Legacy Distributed Computing
Although there are many distributed computing applications, it is also worth noting that there are many limitations and performance issues. Factors such as network latency, data skew, checkpoint overhead, back pressure, garbage collection overhead, and issues related to performance, memory management, and serialization and deserialization overhead can all influence the efficiency. Various optimization techniques can be implemented to alleviate these issues, including memory adjustment, refining the checkpointing process, and adopting efficient data structures and algorithms.
Some performance problems and complexity issues stem from the overlay nature of current systems and their way of achieving the above-mentioned mechanisms with temporary solutions based on TCP/IP and associated protocols such as DNS. For example, Network Service Mesh has been characterized as architecturally complex because of the so-called sidecar approaches and their implementation problems.
In systems that are layered on top of HTTP or TCP (or QUIC), compute nodes typically cannot assess the network performance directly – only indirectly through observed throughput and buffer under-runs. Information-centric data-flow systems, such as IceFlow, intend to provide better visibility and thus better joint optimization potential by more direct access to data-oriented communication resources. Then, some coordination tasks that are based on exchanging updates of shared application state can be elegantly mapped to named data publication in a hierarchical namespace, as the different dataset synchronization (Sync) protocols in NDN demonstrated.
Information-Centric Distributed Computing
In our paper on Distributed Computing in ICN at ACM ICN-2023, we focus on distributed computing and on how information-centricity in the network and application layer can support the development and operation of such systems. The rich set of distributed computing systems in ICN suggests that ICN provides some benefits for distributed computing that could offer advantages such as better performance, security, and productivity when building corresponding applications.
ICN with its data-oriented operation and generally more powerful forwarding layer provides an attractive platform for distributed computing. Several different distributed computing protocols and systems have been proposed for ICN, with different feature sets and different technical approaches, including Remote Method Invocation (RMI) as an interaction model as well as more comprehensive distributed computing platforms. RMI systems such as RICE leverage the fundamental named-based forwarding service in ICN systems and map requests to Interest messages and method names to content names (although the actual implementation is more intricate). Method parameters and results are also represented as content objects, which provides an elegant platform for such interactions.
ICN generally attempts to provide a more useful service to data-oriented applications but can also be leveraged to support distributed computing specifically.
Accessing named data in the network as a native service can remove the need for mapping application logic identifiers such as function names to network and process identifiers (IP addresses, port numbers), thus simplifying implementation and run-time operation, as demonstrated by systems such as Named Function Networking (NFN), RICE, and IceFlow. It is worth noting that, although ICN does not generally require an explicit mapping of names to other domain identifiers, such networks require suitable forwarding state, e.g., obtained from configuration, dynamic learning, or routing.
ICN's notion of immutable data with strong name-content binding through cryptographic signatures and hashes seems to be conducive to many distributed computing scenarios, as both static data objects and dynamic computation results in those systems such as input parameters and result values can be directly sent as ICN data objects. NFN has first demonstrated this.
Securing distributed computing could be supported better in so far as ICN does not require additional dependencies on public-key or pipe securing infrastructure, as keys and certificates are simply named data objects and centralized trust anchors are not necessarily needed. Larger data collections can be aggregated and re-purposed by manifests (FLIC), enabling "small" and "big data" computing in one single framework that is congruent to the packet-level communication in a network. IceFlow uses such an aggregation approach to share identical stream processing results objects in multiple consumer contexts.
Data-orientedness eliminates the need for connections; even reliable communication in ICN is completely data-oriented. If higher-layer (distributed computing) transactions can be mapped to the network layer data retrieval, then server complexity can be reduced (no need to maintain several connections), and consumers get direct visibility into network performance. This can enable performance optimizations, such as linking network and computing flow control loops (one realization of joint optimization), as showed by IceFlow.
Location independence and data sharing
Embracing the principle of accessing named and authenticated data also enables location independence, i.e., corresponding data can be obtained from any place in the network, such as replication points (repos) and caches. This fundamentally enables better multi-source/path capabilities as well as data sharing, i.e., multiple data retrieval operations for one named data object by different consumers can potentially be completed by a cache, repo, or peer in the network.
Stateful Forwarding
ICN provides stateful, symmetric forwarding, which enables general performance optimizations such as in-network retransmissions, more control over multipath forwarding, and load balancing. This concept could be extended to support distributed computing specifically, for example, if load balancing is performed based on RTT observations for idempotent remote-method invocations.
More Networking, less Management
The combination of data-oriented, connection-less operation, and stateful (more powerful) forwarding in ICN shifts functionality from management and orchestration layers (back) to the network layer, which can enable complexity reduction, which can be especially pronounced in distributed computing. For example, legacy stream processing and service mesh platforms typically must manage connectivity between deployment units (pods in Kubernetes). In Apache Flink, a central orchestrator manages the connections between task managers (node agents). Systems such as IceFlow have demonstrated a more self-organized and decentralized stream-processing approach, and the presented principles are applicable to other forms of distributed computing.
In summary, we can observe that ICN's general approach of having the network providing a more natural (data retrieval) platform for applications benefits distributed computing in similar ways as it benefits other applications. One particularly promising approach is the elimination of layer barriers, which enables certain optimizations.
In addition to NFN, there are other approaches that jointly optimize the utilization of network and computing resources to provide network service mesh-like platforms, such as edge intelligence using federated learning, advanced CDNs where nodes can dynamically adapt to user demands according to content popularity, such as iCDN and OpenCDN, and general computing systems, such as Compute-First Networking, IceFlow, and ICedge.
Our paper on Distributed Computing in ICN at ACM ICN-2023 provides a comprehensive analysis and understanding of distributed computing systems in ICN, based on a survey of more than 50 papers. Naturally, these different efforts cannot be directly compared due to their difference in nature. We categorized different ICN distributed computing systems, and individual approaches and highlighted their specific properties.
The scope of this study is technologies for ICN-enabled distributed computing. Specifically, we divide the different approaches into four categories, as shown in the figure above: enablers, protocols, orchestration, and applications. The contributions of this study are as follows:
- A discussion of the benefits and challenges of distributed computing in ICN.
- A categorization of different proposed distributed computing systems in ICN.
- A discussion of lessons learned from these systems.
- A discussion of existing challenges and promising directions for future work.
Recent Research on Distributed Computing in ICN
I am providing some pointers to my previous research on distributed computing in ICN below.
The paper that has led to this article:
- Wei Geng, Yulong Zhang, Dirk Kutscher, Abhishek Kumar, Sasu Tarkoma, Pan Hui; Sok: Distributed Computing in ICN; 10th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ACM ICN '23); October 9 — 10, 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland;; pre-print available at
Current work in the Computing in the Network Research Group of the IRTF:
- Dirk Kutscher, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Jörg Ott; Directions for Computing in the Network; Internet Draft draft-irtf-coinrg-dir-00, Work in Progress; August 2023
Reflexive Forwarding and Remote Method Invocation
Providing a unified remote computation capability in ICN presents some unique challenges, among which are timer management, client authorization, and binding to state held by servers, while maintaining the advantages of ICN protocol designs like CCN and NDN. In the RICE work,we developed a unified approach to remote function invocation in ICN that exploits the attractive ICN properties of name-based routing, receiver-driven flow and congestion control, flow balance, and object-oriented security while presenting a natural programming model to the application developer. The RICE protocol is leveraging an ICN extension called Reflexive Forwarding that provides ICN-idiomatic method parameter transmission.
- RICE: Remote Method Invocation in ICN (best paper award at ACM ICN-2018)
- Reflexive Forwarding in ICN
Distributed Computing Frameworks
Leveraging RICE as a mechanism, we have developed Compute-First Networking (CFN) in ICN, a Turing-complete distributed computing platform. IceFlow is a proposal for Dataflow in ICN in a decentralized manner.
- Compute-First Networking (CFN): Distributed Computing Meets ICN
- IceFlow: Information-Centric Dataflow: Re-Imagining Reactive Distributed Computing
Based on Reflexive Forwarding, we have developed a concept for RESTful ICN that leverages CCNx key exchange for setting up security contexts and keys that could then be used for secure, data-oriented REST-like communication.
Delay-Tolerant LoRa leveraged Reflexive Forwarding to enable constrained LoRa nodes to "phone home" when they want to transmit data, thus enabling new ways (without central network and application servers) for connecting LoRa networks to the Internet.