Dirk Kutscher

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Open Platform for NFV

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Linux Foundation has announced the creation of the  Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) project aiming at accelerating cloud-based delivery models for operators, enable interoperability and accelerate standards through an open source reference implementation.

OPNFV is expected to increase performance and power efficiency; improve reliability, availability and serviceability; and deliver comprehensive platform instrumentation. The initial scope of OPNFV will be on building NFV infrastructure (NFVI) and Virtualized Infrastructure Management (VIM) leveraging existing open source components where possible.

The initial project objectives are to:

  • develop an integrated and tested open source platform that can be used to investigate and demonstrate core NFV functionality;
  • include proactive participation of leading end users to validate that OPNFV meets the needs of the end user community;
  • contribute to and participate in relevant open source projects that will be leveraged in the OPNFV reference platform;
  • establish an open ecosystem for NFV solutions based on open standards and open source software; and
  • promote OPNFV as the preferred open reference platform.

See the complete press release and the project website.

Written by dkutscher

September 30th, 2014 at 4:51 pm

Posted in Projects

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