Capacity Sharing Workshop 2011: Program Announced
We have fixed the program for our Capacity Sharing Workshop on October 13th this year. We have received excellent contributions -- it's going to be a very interesting event.
The technical program:
08:30 Registration and Coffee
08:45 Welcome
Session 1: Congestion Management in Mobile Broadband Networks
Bob Briscoe (BT)
Faisal Ghias Mir, Dirk Kutscher, Marcus Brunner (NEC)
Dr. Wolfgang Knospe (Detecon International GmbH)
David Soldani (Huawei)
10:45 Coffee
Session 2: Transport Layer QoS
Michael Welzl (Department of Informatics, University of Oslo)
Rainer Blind (Networked Control Systems (NCS), University of Stuttgart)
Costas Courcoubetis, Antonis Dimakis (Athen University of Economics and Business)
Michael Scharf (Bell Labs Stuttgart)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Session 3: QoS in Wireless Networks
Prof. Pascal Lorenz (University of Haute Alsace)
Christian Hoene (University of Tübingen)
Application-Layer Predictions
Hatem Abou-zeid, Stefan Valentin (Bell Labs Alcatel-Lucent Stuttgart)
and Hossam Hassanein (Queen's University, Canada)
Magnus Proebster, Matthias Kaschub, Thomas Werthmann (IKR, Uni Stuttgart)
15:30 Coffee
Session 4: Applications and Services
Gianni Canal, Agostino Cotevino, Vincenzo Condo, Enrico Marocco (Telecom Italia)
Jörg Ott (Comnet, Aalto University)
Krunoslav Ivesic (University of Zagreb)
Christian Hübsch (Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
17:30 Wrap-Up and Conclusions
18:00 End
Check out the details at the workshop website.